Faye Wong: "Can't you use iPhone?"

Faye Wong: "Can't you use iPhone?"

25 May – Faye Wong and her husband Li Yapeng were teasing each other on Weibo (Chinese microblog) on an iPhone issue, reports xinmsn website.

Faye, 35, "scolded" Li for not using the iPhone, since he couldn't see the emoticons she sent and mistaken them for random symbols. She made fun of him and asked if he could afford the phone.

Li, 39, replied that it was just a waste of time. Faye answered by saying: "So, you would rather waste my expressions."

In turn Li said, "Heehee smiley face" using only words.

Faye was then berating him by saying how words were not as effective. At the end, Li admitted defeat by replying with only one word: "Buy".

Chinese actor Zhao Wei was amused that Faye would reveal her husband's comedic side and told him that it could broaden his acting potential. She'll be waiting to see them collaborate on a comedy together.