How to Take an Underwater Photo

From secret spots and bucket-list destinations to life-changing gadgets and booking tips, here's your round-up of need-to-know travel news and daily delights.

Whether you’re snapping a shot of your scuba diving adventure or a submerged selfie with your best friend, taking an underwater photo can prove to be difficult. What gear do you need? How do you keep a steady frame when you’re floating? Top underwater photographers shared their best tips for getting that deep-sea view—their No. 1 piece of advice? Have patience. That and more, here. [CNN]

There are a lot of vacations tailor-made for animal lovers: swimming with pigs in Exuma, playing will bunnies in Japan and adopting puppies in Turks and Caicos. Well, now cat-lovers can join in on the vacation-cuddling fun at the cat sanctuary in Sardinia, Italy, where rescue cats roam the remote island. [The Catington Post]

The Ben Gurion International Airport is considered the safest in the world. And, at a time when TSA lines are out of control and airport security is on the mind, other airports want to know just what goes into their security. Next month people from 40 different countries will head to the airport to take a cue on airport safety from its security team. [CNN]

For new and seasoned moms, traveling with babies can be hard. Here, jet-setting moms share their best tips for traveling with tots. [InStyle]

Lindsey Campbell is the Associate Audience Engagement Editor. You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @lyndzicampbell.