
World's coolest new tourist attractions

By Nicola McCormack, Travel + Leisure

Imagine viewing London’s eclectic skyline—the soaring glass Shard, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tate Modern—as you cycle three stories above the street on an elevated pathway reminiscent of New York City’s High Line. When architect and cycling enthusiast Sir Norman Foster released his bold plan for the SkyCycle just before the new year, it sent the blogosphere abuzz, even if it might not be realized till 2030.

Similar futurist leanings pepper our list of cool new tourist attractions you can actually check out. From an office building in China that glints in the sunlight like a giant gold coin to a glass-bottomed platform that knee-quakingly arcs out over a 1,000-foot-high cliff, there is plenty to capture the imagination in 2014.

Well, the waiting is over. Read on for some of 2014’s must-see new attractions worth adding to your bucket list.