15 Shocking Photos That Made Me Say "Wait A Minute...Wait A Damn Minute"

Ever look at something and have to rub your eyes to make sure it's real? I think these 15 photos from r/HolUp might do that to you:

1.The morgue:

A person sitting with text overlaid: "Did you know that morgues prefer to hire women for exactly the reason we all think."
u/DrMabuseKafe / Via reddit.com

2.The fruits:

A post from the r/AskMen subreddit asking for food alternatives to improve the taste of semen, as the partner dislikes the taste and texture of fruits
u/Chops8546 / Via reddit.com

3.The soulstone:

Summary of the text in the image: The text recounts an experience where the person was stopped by airport security, questioned about carrying a knife and a "self pleasuring device," later discovering it was a Diablo III Soulstone Power Bank from BlizzCon
u/DrMabuseKafe / Via reddit.com

4.The #24:

Handwritten list of 14 misspelled words with their correct spellings next to them, including "civilization," "illiterate," and "emphasize."
u/Ticklemeasshole69 / Via reddit.com

5.The neighbor:

Text message exchange: Person is informed about noise complaints from downstairs neighbors. Reply states there is a nightclub downstairs
u/crs1904 / Via reddit.com

6.The pilot:

Two-part image: A person is holding a book titled "How to Fly a Plane" while standing next to a trash can. The book text is clearly visible
u/jstuff846 / Via reddit.com

7.The "good news":

Summary of text: Article discusses the health implications of eating human flesh, stating it's no more dangerous than eating cooked flesh of other animals
u/MrNostaforta / Via reddit.com

8.The eggs:

A screenshot of a text conversation where Ray says they got food poisoning from "fucking eggs," and the response from "Me" expresses sympathy and humorously remarks on Ray's actions

9.The game:

VG247 headline: "Mario Kart 9 in active development, will feature a 'new twist' - analysts." Image of Mario from the Mario Kart series. Text posted 2 days ago
u/hassan_26 / Via reddit.com

10.The shortcut:

Text reads: "still not over how yesterday when my flight landed in Nashville our pilot said we arrived 50 minutes early because he took some 'shortcuts'....sir we were in the sky what do you mean????"

11.The (moldy) sandwich:

A hand holding a loaf of bread on a cutting board, about to slice it with a large knife
u/1Hate17Here / Via reddit.com

12.The metric system:

Top image of Sulley from Monsters, Inc., smiling and gesturing; bottom image of Sulley looking shocked. Text reads: "Americans start using the metric system. They only use it to measure the diameter of bullets."
u/S_Vader / Via reddit.com

13.The boss:

Headline: "Woman In Shock When She Woke Up To Her Boss At The End Of Her Bed After Calling In Sick" Published on March 11, 2024 under Relationships, Work
u/Qie_mirz007 / Via reddit.com

14.The "cat":

Mountain lion in a bath with the caption: "FOUND: Large cat on my porch ate 3 cans of tuna. Was muddy, so I gave him a bath. If missing a 'Tabby' in Niles, PM me."
u/MentalRise8703 / Via reddit.com

15.And finally, the fight:

Tweet showing the back of a shirtless person with multiple scratch marks. Text: "my boyfriend went to his ex’s house & they got into a fight & that crazy bit*h scratched the hell out of him. I’m just glad he’s ok ?"
u/DrMabuseKafe / Via reddit.com