The 8 Most WTF Portable PlayStation Cases

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[dropcap letter="A"] s a gamer who likes to play on the go, over the years, I’ve had a Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Playstation Portable (1000 and 2000), and now, a Playstation Vita. As a no-frills gamer, it never occurred to me to decorate my cases, as I preferred function over form all the way.

I may rethink all that after having seen…



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[text_image img="" type="subheading"]Thrustmaster-SPF-Case-8[/text_image]

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This looks like an Otterbox for the PS Vita. It looks even more fortified than the thing Indiana Jones hid in to save himself from a nuclear explosion. The memory cards and extra games can even be stored at the top of the case with ease.



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[text_image img="" type="subheading"]Steam-Punk-Mod-Case-7[/text_image]

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Steampunk is everywhere. I just have to wonder how you intend to use the rear touchpads for your PS Vita if you wish to customize your case just like that. It’s clearly meant only for the PSP.



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[text_image img="" type="subheading"]God-of-War-Mod-Case-6VB[/text_image]

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Looks pretty imposing, doesn’t it? Too bad there’s currently no God Of War game exclusive to the PS Vita – yet. It’s just a matter of time.



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[text_image img="’s-Alien-Mod-Case-5T.jpg" type="subheading"]HR-Geiger’s-Alien-Mod-Case-5[/text_image]

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In celebration of the much-maligned game Aliens: Colonial Marines, here’s a case to remind us that we’ve been holding out for a good Aliens-based game since the Alien vs. Predator arcade game almost 20 years ago.



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[text_image img="" type="subheading"]Eley-Kishimoto-Fashion-case-4[/text_image]

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Well, I’m sure I’d feel pretty, too, if I owned this case. It always disorients me when I see a case that is clearly more expensive than the thing it’s “protecting,” though.



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[text_image img="" type="subheading"]LED-Mod-Case-with-Controller-board-3[/text_image]

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Dubstep DLC sold separately.



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[text_image img="" type="subheading"]Henry-Duarte-Fur-and-Leather-Fashion-Case-2[/text_image]

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Let’s be honest. How many of you thought a gigantic rat was eating that PSP when you first saw the picture? You’ll see this one in your nightmares for years to come.



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[text_image img="" type="subheading"]Nerf-Armor-1[/text_image]

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Now, that’s a good case that really does what it’s supposed to do: it surrounds the PS Vita fully when you’re not playing it, so you can protect it completely, and can easily open up for easy access when you actually want to use it. Not just that, but it’s lightweight, to boot!



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