Aquarius monthly horoscope

Photo credit: Elle UK
Photo credit: Elle UK



Lucky Days: 5, 12, 18, 22, 26

Yucky Days: 7, 9, 15, 20, 29

Colour: Pumpkin

Celebrity Icon: Alicia Keyes

The stars are revving up your desire during the last few weeks of summer. With the Sun in your house of transformation, everything in your life feels extra resonant. The Full Moon in Pisces lands early on the 2nd, emphasizing this theme and amplifying your search for self-worth. The last six months of hardship and trauma are ripe for release, and since you tend not to let yourself examine your own emotions, it could seem like a tsunami of feelings are coming out all at once. But that’s good, Aquarius – don’t be afraid of it. Mars Retrograde is perhaps the most important planetary shift of the month, arriving on the 9th. The planet of passion slows down and reverses course in your communication zone though mid-November. Note that Mars has been in this part of your chart since June, making you more assertive in ways that are truly liberating. But in backwards motion, this becomes more complicated. Notice when you’re being passive-aggressive or when you feel so angry that you can’t contain it in a healthy way. The New Moon in Virgo arrives on the 17th, signaling a moment to set intentions for major transformation. By next March, what will your most intimate life look like? This lunation is all about planning that out in detail – including, if it’s appropriate, what your next lover might look and feel like. By the 22nd the Autumnal Equinox arrives, delivering a month of ultimate air-sign bliss. With the Sun in Libra, your sister sign, your intellect shines and your curiosity about the world is a major asset. There is just so much to learn and it’s all quite fascinating.


Lucky Days: 3, 4, 8, 22, 30

Yucky Days: 2, 11, 17, 23, 24

Colour: Purple Glitter

Celebrity Icon: Shakira

August is one of the most meaningful months of 2020, especially for your relationships, so tune in and turn on. It begins with your personal, annual Full Moon in Aquarius on the 3rd. This lunation in your very own unconventional stars wakes you up at the cellular level, but can also bring some intense emotional drama, especially if you’re unprepared to feel your feels. It’s an opportunity for a wholesale reevaluation of your last six months.

It’s also an offering to simply let go of anything that hasn’t worked out quite the way you wished at your last birthday – none of it is your fault. And most important, it’s perfect for waving your freak flag high and celebrating everything you are as an Aquarius on this planet that so desperately needs your futuristic worldview. The New Moon is where the action is on the 18th – it’s a chance to set intentions for a stellar six months ahead, especially for your relationships.

This applies to both personal and professional alliances, so imagine exactly how you’d like your one-to-one partnerships to look during the next six months. If you’re single, this is ideal for manifesting new love in your life between now and early 2021, even if you have to start dating at a social distance. The Sun dips into your sexuality zone on the 22nd and brings the heat for the next four weeks. Deep intimacy and transformation are where it’s at as summer closes out.

Aquarius daily horoscope

All signs monthly horoscopes

Aquarius personality profile

Monthly horoscopes supplied exclusively to Elle UK by the Saturn Sisters

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