AVA warns of dog flu outbreak in Pasir Ris Farmway area
The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) has advised animal shelters in the Pasir Ris Farmway area to seek treatment for their dogs following a dog flu outbreak.
Samples collected from the affected dogs tested positive for the canine influenza virus, said the agency in a statement on Monday (14 May).
Canine influenza can cause dogs to exhibit symptoms such as coughs, runny noses, fever and lethargy, said the AVA.
The virus is spread via the coughs and sneezes of infected dogs and can also be passed on through items contaminated by the respiratory secretions of an infected dog, including food bowls, toys, bedding collars and leashes.
If left untreated, infections can develop into more serious illnesses and pneumonia in puppies, elderly dogs and dogs which are already sick.
Not all dogs will show signs of the illness and most can recover within two or three weeks. The virus is not known to infect humans, added the agency.
Animal establishments within the area should “practise good hygiene and biosecurity measures to limit the spread of the virus”, said the AVA, which added that the “risk of canine influenza is highest when large number of dogs are housed together in close confinement”.
Pet owners have also been advised to seek veterinary attention if their dogs are unwell and should also keep their affected dogs away from spaces commonly shared with other dogs until their pet has fully recovered.
“Owners should also adhere to good hygiene practices to minimise the risk of spreading the illness. This includes washing their hands with soap and water, before and after coming into contact with dogs and their immediate environment,” added the AVA.