Big Brother reveals the five housemates up for eviction after nomination rule break

Following a rule break from two housemates, Big Brother has revealed the five contestants up for the double eviction on Friday night (10 November).

On Tuesday’s edition (9 November) of the ITV2 reality show, viewers saw dental assistant Chanelle and dancer Olivia speculating about how they’d cast their nominations for eviction the following day.

“I’ll forgive but I’ll never forget when it comes to my friends,” Chanelle noted. “And for me, it’s my best mate up for eviction.”

“In a way, I needed to hear that because sometimes I can be a bit like where I just say something and someone-” Olivia replied, before being cut off by Jenkin who attempted to end the rule-breaking conversation.


Though neither party mentioned any names, Big Brother deemed their conversation as breaking the rules.

Spoilers below – you’ve been warned!

On Wednesday’s episode (8 November), Big Brother revealed to all contestants that Chanelle and Olivia had discussed nominations and read out a transcript of their conversation.

As a result, Chanelle lost her previously won immunity from nomination and Olivia lost her right to nominate.

Big Brother contestants (ITV / screengrab)
Big Brother contestants (ITV / screengrab)

After all of the housemates (bar Olivia) cast their votes, it was revealed that Chanelle, Olivia, Trish, Noky and Jenkin will all face the public vote. Two contestants will leave during Friday’s live episode.

Chanelle received four nominations from Jordan, Trish, Yinrun and Noky, while Olivia received four nominations from Matty, Henry, and Jordan.

Noky’s three nominations came from Henry, Yinrun and Tom, while Trish received three nominations from Chanelle, Jenkin and Tom.


After the Hunger Games challenge earlier this week, Jenkin was automatically put up for eviction.

Elsewhere in the episode, Olivia expressed her upset with her additional punishment of having to write “I must not break the rules” 600 times.

Big Brother continues nightly (excluding Saturday) on ITV2 and ITVX at 9pm.