City Harvest releases video showing congregants’ support of leaders
City News, a news website affiliated with the City Harvest Church, has released a video of City Harvest congregants’ reactions to the verdict of the high-profile case.
The video featured congregants both young and old, as well as recognizable faces like Elim Chew, founder of streetwear brand 77th Street. Reaction from the congregants was universally supportive of the prosecuted church leaders with most Church members stressing on the importance of staying united despite the trial verdict.
Elim Chew said, “Most important, I believe now, is to come together as a family and to be supportive of everything that is happening and the family as well. We are in prayer, and we are praying for miracles as well. I am most excited today because after seeing the Church coming together and believing in the new management and the boards and the pastors.”
Another congregant said. “Over the past three years, my cell group doubled in size, so it proves that trial or no trial, God is still with us … We will go to the next level with CHC 2.0”
The youngest congregant featured said, “When I first found out about the verdict, I was disappointed. But I believe that God has a plan for this Church. I have grown up in this Church since I was three, and I believe that this Church is a place where everyone can grow up together.”
The video has attained more than 10,000 views, with more dislikes than likes. Though comments on the video are disabled, many commenters have taken to other sites like Reddit to criticize the video’s contents.
One commenter on Reddit stated, “What boggles me is that how these people have such firm beliefs that the six did nothing wrong, even though the law has already made it explicitly clear that they have.”
Another commenter added, "The source is citynews, which is part of CHC, so of course they aren't gonna show CHC members agreeing with the verdict."