E-scooter registration to begin on 2 January: LTA

A man riding an e-scooter at a pedestrian crossing at Orchard Road. (FILE PHOTO: Yahoo News Singapore)
A man riding an e-scooter at a pedestrian crossing at Orchard Road. (FILE PHOTO: Yahoo News Singapore)

E-scooter owners can begin registering their devices from 2 January via the Land Transport Authority’s (LTA) website or at any SingPost post office, the LTA said in a statement on Wednesday (12 December).

Registrants must be at least 16 years old, and will need to declare that their e-scooters are compliant with the criteria specified under the Active Mobility Act: they must not exceed 20kg in maximum unladen weight, 70cm in maximum width, and 25kmh in maximum motorised device speed. Those who make false declarations can be subject to a fine of up to $5,000 and/or jail of up to 12 months.

To encourage owners to register their e-scooters early, the $20 registration fee will be waived for e-scooters registered by 31 March.

Affixing identification and registration marks

Upon registration, the registrant will be issued with a unique registration number, and is required to fabricate an identification mark bearing this number. LTA will also issue a separate registration mark to the registrant.


Owners who register their e-scooters by 30 June will be given a grace period of 14 calendar days from the date of registration to affix both the identification mark and LTA registration mark prominently on the e-scooter.

It is an offence to ride a registered e-scooter on public paths without the identification mark or LTA registration mark beyond the grace period, and first-time offenders are subject to a fine of up to $1,000 and/or jail of up to 3 months.

From 1 July, it will be an offence to ride, or let another person ride, an unregistered e-scooter on public paths. First-time offenders are subject to a fine of up to $2,000 and/or jail of up to 3 months.

These measures are aimed at deterring reckless riding and facilitating enforcement efforts against errant riders to improve public safety for all path users, LTA said.

Ban from selling non-UL2272 certified PMDs

Meanwhile, to improve public safety and minimise the risk of fire incidents, retailers will be prohibited from selling non-UL2272 certified devices from 1 July. The UL2272 standard specifies a set of safety requirements covering the electrical drive train system including the battery system, other circuitry and electrical components of motorised personal mobile devices (PMDs) such as e-scooters.


All motorised PMDs used on public paths must be certified to the UL2272 standard from 1 January, 2021. Owners of non-UL2272 certified e-scooters can register them with LTA if they are purchased before 1 July next year. These e-scooters can be used on public paths until 31 December 2020, and will automatically be deregistered on 1 January 2021, when non-UL2272 certified PMDs cannot be used on public paths.

LTA strongly encourages all owners to use UL2272-certified devices only. Users can refer to LTA’s website for an indicative list of UL2272 certified devices available in Singapore.

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