Eason Chan surprises fans with bipolar confession

Eason Chan surprises fans with bipolar confession

4 Aug – Hong Kong's favourite singer, Eason Chan, recently revealed that he is suffering from bipolar disorder.

HK Channel reported that on 17 July, which is the 11th night of his "Life Concert 2013" that was held at Hong Kong Coliseum, Eason admitted to having bipolar disorder, as well as a phobia of large crowds.

The singer, who exhibited odd behaviour during his performance, shared, "It is a type of a mood disorder whereby I get more and more afraid to be around a large number of people. I am serious about this. It's not a joke. I am a little bit bipolar."

The singer then stopped for a moment, and suddenly said, "I just experienced something strange. I totally forgot you guys are here. Actually, are you guys really here?"


He then continued talking about his condition for about five minutes and continuously apologised to fans, inviting cheers from the crowd. He ended with a promise that he will continue to live strong.

When asked regarding his odd behaviour on stage, it was reported that the singer had been ill since his fourth show and had been dependent on prescription pills to ease his pain and continue on with the show.

His wife Hilary Tsui expressed, "He is seriously ill, so I've been sleeping with my daughter at night. But I will keep on supporting him from the back."