Five dog breeds you shouldn’t own as a pet, according to a vet
A vet has given his “brutally honest” advice about the five dog breeds that he would advise pet owners to think twice about owning.
In a divisive new video, which has three million views on TikTok, South African vet Amir Anwary shared his top five breeds that might seem like the perfect fit for pet owners lives, but can lead to expensive vet bills and stressful lifestyle changes. As a result, he would never own them, as a veterinarian.
Mr Anwary shared the video to “educate potential dog owners” and welcomed anyone who already owned one of the dog breeds mentioned to respond if they agreed or otherwise.
The vet mentioned that his first breed may cause controversy, as he said a lot of people might “fight me on this”, but he would never own a dachshund. He explained that the small dogs could be “lovely”, but they could also be “stubborn” and “bark the whole night if they want to” with a bout of separation anxiety on top.
As well as a number of behavioural issues, the South Africa native mentioned they were also prone to a condition called IBDD, short for Intervertebral Disc Disease, a form of back issues which could be compounded by the fact the breed can struggle with obesity.
“If you own a dachshund, you need to be on top of it,” he said.
Another, less surprising dog to appear on Mr Anwary’s list was the French Bulldog, a popular breed whose health issues are already widely reported.
He said that “this cute, adorable little abomination” suffers from a number of medical issues, claiming that “if it is not breathing issues, it’s skin problems. If its not skin problems, it’s back problems.”
The vet added that they were frequent visitors to his office and were “so expensive to get in the first place”, which put him off “ever” getting one himself.
He described a number of famously active dog breeds, such as a Belgian Malinois and a Border Collie, as being high maintenance. He called Belgian Malinois dogs a “machine” as they require “constant” physical and mental stimulation. Worse, if they don’t receive that attention, they “become destructive.”
Meanwhile, Border Collies may seem like the perfect four-legged friend, but Mr Anwary said that as a working dog they need a lot of attention.
“They’re always on, they always need physical and mental stimulation, and I could not possibly provide a Border Collie with [what] it needs to stay happy,” he said. Like the Belgian Malinois, he advised that the dog could also become destructive when unhappy.
Mr Anwary’s final choice for a dog breed he might never own particularly surprised viewers, as the four-legged friend in question is widely considered to be one of the most popular choices for a family pet.
“I know you guys are going to be like, ‘are you crazy? Labradors are amazing’, and yes they are,” he said to caveat his opinion.
The vet continued that labradors as a dog breed are “very prone” to becoming overweight and they love to eat “absolutely everything.”
“What do you get when you cross a dog that loves to eat absolutely everything with a dog that gets fat when it eats anything? You get a dog that is perpetually overweight,” he quipped, adding that as a “weak owner” who loves to give his pets treats, this wouldn’t end well in his household.
Amir regularly posts pet advice to his audience of 732,000 followers on TikTok and 173,000 on Instagram, from debunking myths about animals to providing pet food reviews.
Top dog breeds not to own:
1. Dachshunds
2. French Bulldogs
3. Belgian Malinois
4. Border Collies
5. Labradors