Horrifying moment cops walk away from gunshot victim because their shifts were ending

Horrifying moment cops walk away from gunshot victim because their shifts were ending

Horrifying body cam footage shows the moment two cops walked away from a dying man with a gunshot wound because they didn’t want to handle the call at the end of their shift.

Local broadcaster KMOV obtained the footage of the St. Louis Metropolitan police officers at the September 10, 2023 incident.

In the video, former officers Austin Fraser and Ty Warren are dispatched to assist a man who called 911 and said he planned to die by suicide.

Around 6:26 p.m., the two officers found the man, Urayoan Rodriguez-Rivera, bleeding from a gunshot wound to the head. The officers discovered upon arrival that Rodriguez-Rivera was still alive.


Warren’s body camera was recording at the time of the incident. Fraser’s was not, and it is not immediately clear why his was not operating.

“We better take this motherf***** then,” Warren told Fraser, referencing the wounded man.

Fraser then said he wanted to run out the clock on his shift.

“We aren’t taking this s***,” Fraser said. “I get off in 30 minutes, let’s cruise around and come back.”

Former St Louis Police officer Austin Fraser examines a man who was dying from a gunshot wound to the head in Forest Park, Missouri, on September 10, 2023. Fraser told his partner, Ty Warren, he did not want to call in the incident because his shift was ending in 30 minutes. The officers then walked away from site without reporting the incident (St Louis Police Department bodycam)

The officers left the scene with Rodriguez-Rivera still alive, though grievously wounded. Neither of the officers called for medical assistance for the victim or provided first aid. They also did not report the incident to dispatchers or a supervisor.

When they left, they can be heard laughing, with Fraser telling Warren how the two will feign surprise when other police officers report finding Rodriguez-Rivera's body.


After driving around, the pair returned to the scene just as another cop arrived. A third officer immediately calls dispatch and requests medical first responders, noting that the victim was still breathing.

Body cam footage from other officers who responded to the scene captured the moment Warren and Fraser left the scene a second time. One of the officers even commented on their departure.

"You what's f***ed up? Warren and Fraser just left," one of the officers tells another.

Another frustrated officer said he was going to "out the f*** out of Fraser" for leaving the scene of an active incident.

Rodriguez-Rivera ultimately died in a hospital.

Department spokesman Mitch McCoy told KMOV that the firearm is officially considered stolen and that an investigation into what occurred on September 10, 2023, is ongoing.

McCoy confirmed that neither Fraser nor Warren work with the police department but could not comment on the specifics of their leaving.