My Dumb Little Peanut Brain Just Got Blown After Seeing These 23 Absolutely Incredible Pictures For The First Time Last Week
1.This is how football helmets were tested in the early 1900s:
I'd love to mash my head into a wall eight hours a day, five days a week.
2.It was so hot in Arizona last week that WINDOW BLINDS were melting:
The whole state of Arizona could use a frosty glass of lemonade.
3.This is what the face of a sawfish looks like:
She's beautiful.
4.This is what the inside of an air mattress looks like:
I don't like it!!!
5.This is what first class looked like on a plane in the 1950s:
Specifically a Super G Constellation on TWA. Looks okay, but it's no pretzels and gingerale.
6.This is Lemuel Cook, maybe the oldest living veteran of the American Revolutionary War, photographed in the mid-1800s:
This guy literally saw the British coming. Respect.
7.The 2024 Paris Olympics are about to start very, very soon, so TV networks will probably show this exact view about a hundred times a day:
8.This is what those Olympic rings look like from behind:
9.And this is how big they are compared to a person:
Folks, I haven't seen a ring that big since Elizabeth Taylor got married! I'm serious!
10.This poster from the late 1800s advertises a fight between "the world's thinnest man" and "the world's fattest man":
Let me know in the comments who you got.
11.Medical grade cocaine is used in hospitals for sinus surgeries and the like:
Need me a medical grade Miller Lite.
12.This is what the wheel of the Mars Curiosity Rover looks like after over a decade on the Red Planet:
Nothing a little martian duct tape can't fix.
13.This is what a hedgehog getting some medical work done looks like:
Incredible. What a time to be alive. Wish Lemuel Cook could've seen this.
14.You can buy a signed Babe Ruth baseball from Costco:
Call me when I can buy 35 signed Babe Ruth balls in bulk.
15.Some funeral homes sell cardboard box coffins:
Just my style. They're used for cremations.
16.This is what an MRI of a kiwi, a peach, and an avocado looks like:
I think Lemuel Cook would die instantly if he saw this.
17.This is what a size 74 belt looks like:
It's a big belt, folks.
18.This is one of the few known photos of Vincent van Gogh, shown here at age 20:
You think his boys called him Vinny?
19.This is what a modern-day "bulb" inside a lighthouse looks like:
I think this also the lightbulb the dentist uses when they're cleaning your teeth.
20.This is a picture of the ice mountains of Pluto as seen from the New Horizons space probe:
The photo is 230 miles across, to put things into perspective.
21.Some movie theaters let you know straight from the jump if you need to sit through the credits:
Me, personally? I love seeing who rocked the key grip. I think Lemuel Cook would've made a fine cinematographer.
22.Oranges float and limes sink:
Please do with this information whatever you please.
23.And, finally, your finger creases can go away:
So use them wisely.