India's Top 10 Facebook Games and Apps

In the past, we've taken a look at the top mobile apps in India and who's using them. But Indians love Facebook, too. So what apps are they using there, and what games are they playing? Our friends at Metricsmonk were kind enough to share some of their data with us and break down the top ten apps and games on Facebook in India. First, the top apps (MAU stands for Monthly Active Users):

It's not a huge surprise to see Samsung in the lead here, given how popular its phones are just about everywhere. (You can see a more detailed breakdown of Samsung Mobile's performance in India here). But apps are boring, what about the top games?

Those are impressive numbers for Criminal Case to be sure (you can check out Metricsmonk's data in more detail here). And we've got more India data in the pipeline, too, so stay tuned! (Data and charts via Metricsmonk)
The post India's Top 10 Facebook Games and Apps appeared first on Tech in Asia.