Jay Chou now thinks like a parent

Jay Chou now thinks like a parent

8 Jul - Now that he is becoming a father himself, Jay Chou stated that he has started looking at things from the perspective of a parent.

According to UDN News, the singer-songwriter, who attended a charity event on 6 July as the spokesman, recently talked about his thoughts on being a future parent and the worries that come with having a child.

"I used to be very annoyed when there is a noisy baby in the plane. Now that I am becoming a parent, I am unwilling to think that way anymore," he said.

When asked if he is worried about the long flight back to Australia with his wife and kid in the future, Jay jokingly replied, "If he makes a noise, just pretend it's not my child."

He is also worried about his child playing in the water, as he himself has nearly drowned three times as a boy.

"If my children want to swim in the future, I will just tell them that the pool is filled with sharks."

However, when speaking about endorsing baby products, Jay said that he has no plans to do so in the future.

In related news, Jay has donated NTD1 million (approximately USD32,218) to the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, in hopes that others will also assist children in need.

(Photo source: udn.com)