How to Wild Rift: Warding and Vision

The "How to" series is aimed at players who enjoy competitive gaming and are looking to improve their experience, whether through gameplay tips or advice. The information is provided at the time of publishing, and does not account for changes to the game or meta over a longer period of time.

Everyone knows what wards are and what they do. But is there really a big difference between how you ward and how the pros ward?

To start off, let's talk about the details of your trinket ward. You are instantly able to place one ward when the game starts. A ward lasts 90 seconds, and has a 120 second cooldown before you can place another one.

You will also generally want to save your wards for a specific purpose, rather than just placing them for the sake of placing them.

Warding is a simple yet essential feature in Wild Rift that has a large impact on the game at all levels of play. Here are four types of wards pros use that you can use in your ranked games.

The Level 1 Ward:

This ward is extremely important in dodging early level 2 or level 3 ganks from the enemy Jungler.

(Image: Glaceox)
(Image: Glaceox)

You can place this ward at level 1 before the minions come, and since the ward lasts 90 seconds, it will last until the first scuttle crab spawns, keeping you safe for a period of time.

The Mid Lane Ward:

You will often see pros place this ward in competitive games with many players wondering — What is the purpose of this ward?

The answer — This ward gives very informative vision when it comes to scouting the enemy's rotations and lane assignments.

(Image: Glaceox)
(Image: Glaceox)

Having a ward in the middle of the lane allows you to see which side lane their Mid-laner might be roaming to and whether the enemy Jungler is crossing over to the opposite side.

This allows you to react much faster since you see the enemy at the start of their rotation.

The bottom side objective Wards:

These wards are essential for having the best set-up for fighting at the objective. Each ward gives you information and the ability to turn and start the teamfight at various angles.

(Image: Glaceox)
(Image: Glaceox)

If you see an enemy walking through a chokepoint, you can choose to start the fight first, or run away if you see five champions coming and your Baron Laner is AFK farming.

The top side objective Wards:

Similar to the bottom side wards, having such vision around an objective will give you critical information like how many enemies are there, where the enemy Jungler is and whether he is in range to steal the objective.

This information is imperative for an objective like Baron, where losing it may cost you the whole game.

(Image: Glaceox)
(Image: Glaceox)

Now that we've covered wards, you might ask — What about the red trinket?

As a general rule of thumb, wards are more important when your team is losing, whilst denying wards is better when your team is winning.

Teams can operate with 1 sweeper and 4 wards if they're losing, since the information is more useful to a team that is behind.

For teams that are ahead, they can play with 2 sweepers and 3 wards to deny vision and suffocate the enemy by making it dangerous for them to walk into their own Jungle.

Glaceox is a Singaporean Wild Rift coach with five years of coaching experience spanning across League of Legends PC as well. He also streams and makes community guides for Wild Rift.

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