MacKenzie Scott Donates Another $2 Billion in 2024 to 199 ‘Mission-Aligned Ventures’

MacKenzie Scott said she donated another $2 billion to organizations she cares about in 2024. The billionaire author and philanthropist has now donated more than $19 billion since 2019, the year she divorced from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and received more than $38 billion, mostly in Amazon stock.

Scott, in a blog post Wednesday announcing her latest donations, said she gave to 199 organizations this year. She said roughly 75% of those donations went to non-profits that “support the economic security and opportunity of people who are struggling,” including those that are focused on housing affordability, health care, and “child development,” among other causes.

“I’ve asked the investment team helping me manage the assets I’m working to give away to source funds and companies focused on for-profit solutions to these challenges,” Scott said.

She added that her “gifts” this year were focused on “mission-aligned ventures,” including working with “leaders from the populations they are serving” and from “generally undercapitalized groups” like women and non-white Americans.


Some of the organizations Scott donated to this year include Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California, Legal Aid Chicago, and Lakota Funds, which was the first Native American community development financial institution when it was founded in 1986.

You can view all of Scott’s donations via this database.

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