Man arrested for cat abuse in Yishun

A 51-year-old man has been arrested in connection with a case of cat abuse in Yishun.
On 22 Jan, the police received a report that a cat carcass has been found on the grass verge next to Blk 116 Yishun Ring Road. After a joint investigation by the Singapore Police Force and officers from the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA), the suspect was identified and arrested on 23 Jan at Yishun Ring Road.
The man, who is from the household which owned the dead cat, will be assisting AVA in investigations.
Investigations are also ongoing to establish if the man is involved in other cat death cases that occurred in Yishun.
Other recent cases of cat deaths in Yishun
Since the arrest of the 40-year-old man believed to be involved in a series of cat abuse cases in Yishun on 27 December 2015, there have been other reported cases of cat deaths in Yishun. Investigations into all reported cases are ongoing.
In some of these cases, preliminary investigations have indicated that the cause of death may not be due to animal cruelty. In the case of the cat found dead next to the petrol station near Blk 732 Yishun Avenue 5 on the night of 21 January 2016, public feedback indicated that the cat’s death was believed to be from a road accident.
Those who have any information on animal cruelty cases, such as photographs, video evidence or witnesses, to contact AVA at 1800-4761600. Under the Animals and Birds Act, anyone found guilty of animal cruelty can be fined up to $15,000 and/or jailed up to 18 months, or both for the first offence. For second and subsequent offences, the maximum penalty is $30,000 or a jail term of up to three years, or both.