Mediacorp officially parts ways with actor Shane Pow

Singaporean actor Shane Pow. (PHOTOS: Facebook / Shane Pow, Wan Ting Koh)
Singaporean actor Shane Pow. (PHOTOS: Facebook / Shane Pow, Wan Ting Koh)

Mediacorp has parted ways with Singapore actor Shane Pow Xun Ping, who was charged in court on Thursday (22 April) with one count of drink driving.

“Mediacorp would like to clarify that we were not aware of the drink driving charge involving Shane Pow prior to it being reported in the media on 22 April 2021,” in a press release shared with media.

The 30-year-old, charged under the Road Traffic Act, had 49 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath, exceeding the limit of 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath.

“Shane did not inform the artiste management team about this matter that took place in September 2020,” Mediacorp shared. The actor had also recently been found to have breached COVID-19 safe management measures in an incident that took place in October 2020. He was fined for this offence, and internal disciplinary action was also taken.


Pow was formerly convicted in 2014 for drink driving under the same Act. He was fined S$1,500 and disqualified from driving for a year.

“We do not condone any behaviour that runs afoul of the law. We constantly remind our artistes that their fans and members of the public look to them as role models, and they are expected to behave as such.”

“Taking into account all the above issues, Mediacorp has decided to part ways with Shane.” However, due to ongoing contractual commitments, Pow will be completing his outstanding work with the company until 4 May.

Pow is currently starring in two upcoming dramas, which filming and production have mostly completed. Scheduled for June is Soul Old Yet So Young and July, The Heartland Hero, and Mediacorp stated that in consideration “for the efforts of the entire cast and crew, and the investments that have been put into these two productions, they will be aired as planned.”