Do men really need special penis cleaners?

Do men really need specific penis cleaners? [Photo: Getty]
Do men really need specific penis cleaners? [Photo: Getty]

The topic of specially-created penis cleaners have been brought to the Internet’s attention after being spotted by a Twitter user on a supermarket shelf and shared to social media.

“Oh my god, what is wrong with just a bit of soap and water with a squirt of lemon juice?” the user wrote alongside an image of the penis cleaner.

Though we’re really not sure about the lemon juice bit, he has a point.

So what’s the truth? Could male genitals benefit from a wash and polish with a specialist cleaning product or are they like vaginas in that they don’t need to be spritzed with a perfumed soap?

The penis, like the vagina, doesn’t need to be washed with special down-there products to keep it clean.

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But don’t take our word for it, we consulted an expert to find out the truth.

Mr Rick Viney, consultant urologist at BMI The Priory Hospital in Birmingham, said that specific soaps for the penis really aren’t necessary, but it does require daily cleaning.

“The penis is a skin covered structure and like all skin covered parts of the body it will be colonised by bacteria, living in harmony with the skin’s owner,” he explained.

Mr Viney went on to say that the moist environment under the loose foreskin fold can make this area prone to growing unhealthy microorganisms that can cause infection.

“That’s why you will see most mammals undertake some extra hygiene measures where their penis is concerned. Those flexible enough (cats and dogs) can clean themselves using their tongues,” he continues.

Washing with gentle soap and water should be enough [Photo: Getty]
Washing with gentle soap and water should be enough [Photo: Getty]

But humans need to be a little more inventive.

“Men produce a thick cheese-like substance called smegma to help protect against infection,” Mr Viney continues. “It may smell like a strong, french blue-veined cheese but that’s where the similarity ends.

“Unfortunately, this can be a little malodorous and off-putting at times of intimacy so we tend to encourage simple cleaning using water and a simple soap with the foreskin gently retracted.”

“There really is no need for anything more than this,” Mr Viney continues.

“If an individual finds this difficult due to tightness of the foreskin, pain or an abnormal appearance to the foreskin or glans they should get it checked out by their doctor.”

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In other penis news, new research has revealed that men who live on polluted main or busy roads could be at risk of erectile dysfunction.

The research, published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, linked higher exposure to pollution with erectile dysfunction – which is understood by the NHS as struggling to get or maintain an erection.

A further study linked the size of men’s penises to the chemicals used in non-stick frying pans.

A new study has found that chemicals, known as perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs), are having a surprising impact on men’s penises and potentially making them smaller.

The chemicals, called perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs), are found in a number of everyday items, including the non-stick coat on cookware, fast food packaging and medicines.

Researchers, from the University of Padua, revealed that PFCs could be harming hormone signalling, which in turn could lead to ‘significantly’ smaller penises and less mobile sperm.

Men are also being warned about the dangers of ‘penis fillers’ because of the risk of complications.

The procedure is thought to be becoming more popular among men concerned about the size of their manhood.