
What is Personal Networking to the Wealthy?

What are the criteria that wealthy people consider for a “personal network”?


What does it mean to be recognized by the wealthy?

If you’re a salesperson, it’s natural to think, “I want to get along with rich people and expand my network from there.” There are many people who want to be one with wealth, even if they don’t work in sales.

Here, we will talk about the kind of relationships that the rich will have in mind. Hereinafter, “a man of wealth” can be a synonym of a “successful person” in this text.


What are the “human relation” criteria for success?

You may be surprised if a successful person were to say, “relationships and intimacy are not always equal”.

“Relationship” is generally interpreted as “closeness”. In other words, the closer you are to the person, the more likely you are to be judged as having a strong personal relationship with them. It goes without saying that a trusting relationship is important in human relationships, but most people think that trust is “a relationship with mutual trust”.

However, for successful people, “closeness” and “a trusting relationship” are not necessarily the same. At the very least, “closeness” is not a condition to get into the network of successful people. Their personal network begins with a choice.

Of course, those who meet successful people only once are not considered as personal connections. That is not what we’re talking about when we are defining what successful people consider “personal connections”. Unless at the time you meet them and introduce yourself, the successful person is the one who judges that they should make this person a part of their personal connection, there is a possibility of being connected on the spot.

When we think about the definition of personal connections, we think of people who can give something in return. It might be necessary to ask oneself if you have a selling point that can be of use.

Not every successful person is the right person to network with, nor can they help everyone. An important part of networking is deciding who to network with.


How to get into the network of successful people

So what if we ordinary people want to enter the network of successful people?

In order to do this, you have to:

  1. Make sure you have something that is worth their time. Their time is money.

  2. Be able to return something that is greater than or equal to what they give to you.

It’s easier said than done when we might not have enough to give back. You can adjust to this by doing the following:

  1. Volunteering

  2. Making up for quality with quantity

Using method 1 is a way to allow yourself into their network by providing free labour. You may be able to grow your connection by doing some work for them.

Method 2, for example, has methods such as showing up at every event held by the person and reading all the books the other person has published. You can try to ask questions they might be interested in.

These alone won’t get you anywhere, but at least it’s impressive. It will be up to you how you connect it.


To build a lasting relationship, you need to create a “loan”

Human relation is not judged by superficiality. Many people judge whether a person is good or bad by the way they speak or the way they smile. The important thing is to appeal to the other person that you have something to contribute to. If the other person is helpful and accepts it, the relationship will be established naturally.

Successful people always try to lend money to those they approve of. This is because they know that their relationship and network is strong and won’t be broken.

If you want to be part of a successful network, try to use these suggestions. You can expand your network further and understand the value of the person you are trying to connect with.


This article was originally posted on December 24th, 2018.

(By ZUU)

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