Resident Evil dev won't rule out remaking spin-off games like Code Veronica

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Capcom isn't ruling out remaking Resident Evil spin-off games outside of the main numbered entries.

Earlier today on July 6, Capcom posted their general shareholder meeting Q&A, where the company fielded all sorts of questions from investors. One shareholder asked if Capcom would be "providing high-end visual remakes of only the main numbered entries in the Resident Evil series."

To this, Capcom answered that it's "carrying out discussions regarding the future expansion of this series so it can be enjoyed." Sure, that's painful corporate speak from Capcom, refusing to give a straight answer, but it crucially doesn't rule out remakes for Resident Evil spin-off games.

If you've ever wanted a remake of games like Resident Evil: Code Veronica, or Resident Evil Revelations, this is good news. There's a fair few spin-off Resident Evil games out there, that mainline fans might not necessarily have experienced, given they're all older games at this point.

So far at least, Capcom has only focused on mainline Resident Evil games with its remake efforts. We've had remakes of Resident Evil 2, 3, and 4 over the past four years, and one could argue Capcom's stuck rigidly to the better-known Resident Evil games for remakes.

Given how well-received Capcom's Resident Evil remake trio have been, we'd bet there's a huge appetite out there for further remakes. Whether Capcom continues on its current trajectory and remakes the maligned Resident Evil 5, or whether they look to new avenues and remake Resident Evil: Code Veronica, we'll have to wait and see.

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