SPH engaging lawyer for long-time vendor who allegedly breached Stay-Home Notice to deliver newspapers
[UPDATE: This story has been updated to reflect a press statement from SPH.]
SINGAPORE — Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) will be engaging a lawyer for a long-time newspaper vendor who allegedly breached his Stay-Home Notice (SHN) to deliver newspapers, the court was told on Thursday (16 April).
Singaporean Palanivelu Ramasamy, a newspaper vendor of 35 years, had returned from India on 21 March and was issued an SHN. However, he was allegedly found missing from his residence when Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officers checked on him on 30 March.
The authorities said in a press release that the 48-year-old had taken a bus to Goldhill Plaza and delivered newspapers to multiple units across different floors before returning home on a bus. Palanivelu had allegedly left his residence for some two hours, despite knowing that he was not supposed to.
Appearing in court on Thursday, assistant manager Navin Kumar from SPH’s circulation division told District Judge Ong Hian Sun that Palanivelu is a registered news vendor with the company.
“I think we will engage counsel for him if there is going to be a criminal charge,” said the representative.
The judge then adjourned the case to 22 April for a pre-trial conference. The prosecution is seeking a jail term of six to eight weeks for Palanivelu.
In a media statement, SPH said that Palanivelu has been a newspaper vendor with the company since 1985 and has been “faithfully serving our subscribers throughout these years”.
“We are rendering him and his family the necessary assistance to help them through this difficult period,” a spokesperson said.
She added that since the implementation of the Dorscon orange disease outbreak level and circuit breaker measures, the company has constantly reminded vendors of the need to comply with regulations, even if this resulted in late deliveries to subscribers.
“We have also provided them with the necessary protective equipment like masks and gloves for them to carry out their jobs safely,” the spokesperson added.
First case under COVID-19 regulations
Palanivelu is the first to be dealt with under the Infectious Diseases (COVID-19 Stay Orders) Regulations 2020 since it was promulgated on 26 March.
Following the government’s announcement that all returning residents, long-term pass holders and short-term visitors entering Singapore would be issued a two-week SHN from 11.59pm on 20 March, Palanivelu was accordingly served with one upon his return on 21 March. He had been in India for about a month.
According to the authorities, when he was out on 30 March, he had walked to the bus stop, boarded a bus with other passengers, walked to Goldhill Plaza after alighting, and took a lift there to deliver newspapers to multiple units across different floors. He then walked to another bus stop and took a bus home.
The Regulation 4(2) of the Infectious Diseases (COVID-19 - Stay Orders) Regulations 2020, which came into force on 26 March, is targetted at curbing the spread of COVID-19 through individuals who were at risk and provided enhanced enforcement for breaches of Stay-Home notices.
Those who are deemed to be at risk will be given a 14-day SHN during which they must not leave their specified place of accommodation.
If convicted for breaching his SHN, Palanivelu may be jailed up to six months and/or fined up to $10,000.
Members of the public can give information about those who fail to comply with SHN requirements to ICA at go.gov.sg/reportshnbreach or 6812 5555.
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