Teen admits to filming boys naked in Sengkang Sports Complex toilet

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SINGAPORE — Over two days, a 16-year-old boy would go to Sengkang Sports Complex where he would film young boys in the buff.

The Singaporean had accumulated at least 58 obscene videos of the young victims in the toilet by the time he was caught by one of their fathers.

The teen, who cannot be named as he is considered a minor under the Children and Young Persons Act, pleaded guilty on Tuesday (16 March) to 10 out of 58 charges of making obscene films, with the remaining to be taken into consideration when he is sentenced.

District Judge Kessler Soh ordered for a probation suitability report for the teen, who made 24 obscene videos on 22 September 2019.


On 19 October 2019, the father of a boy went over to the male changing area of the toilet at the complex to accompany his son, who had just finished his swimming lesson.

The man noticed the teen pointing a phone at his son. He confronted the teenager who hid himself in a toilet cubicle. He then notified a staff member who called the police.

The prosecution did not object to a probation suitability report being called given the teenager's age and that he was a first offender. Probation is a rehabilitative sentencing option that is usually offered to offenders between the age of 16 and 21. The offender will not have a criminal record upon completing probation.

However, the prosecution also noted that the boy could be considered a serial offender given the large number of offences. He will return to court on 27 April for his sentencing.

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