Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested as part of a judicial inquiry, says French President Macron

Founder and CEO of Telegram Pavel Durov delivers a keynote speech during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

PARIS (Reuters) - Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested as part of a judicial inquiry, with no political motive, French President Emmanuel Macron said Monday.

"On social media, as in real life, freedoms are exercised within the law so as to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights," Macron wrote on X, denouncing false information being spread about Durov's arrest.

Durov, 39, was arrested at Le Bourget airport outside Paris shortly after landing on a private jet late on Saturday.

(This story has been refiled to correct the spelling of 'being' in paragraph 2)

(Reporting by Tassilo Hummel; Editing by Alex Richardson)