Think you know what household waste can be recycled? Take our quiz to find out

recycling in south Gloucestershire - Tom Pilston
recycling in south Gloucestershire - Tom Pilston

Even for the most dedicated of recyclers, it can be a mind-boggling undertaking. Confusing symbols, multi-material packaging and wishy-washy labelling (not to mention the different collection schemes offered by local councils), mean that while many Britons may be willing to recycle, most of us haven’t a clue if we’re doing it right. A 2019 poll found that despite 86 per cent of Londoners wanting to recycle, the majority didn’t know how to.

Good intentions, combined with uncertainty about what can or cannot go in the green bin (or is that the blue, red or brown bin?), have led to “wish-cycling” - packing recycling bins with all sorts of materials in the hope that councils will be able to process them. This can be counterproductive, however, leading to the contamination of other recyclable items.

To further muddy the waters, a large proportion of commonly bought goods come in packaging that can’t be easily recycled at home. According to recent analysis by the consumer group Which?, of 89 of the best-selling branded grocery items, only 34 per cent were fully recyclable in household collections; as many as four in 10 had no labelling whatsoever to say whether they could be recycled or not.

The items include Pringles cans, Babybel nets and cheese packaging. Many of the companies behind such hard-to-recycle items point out that they can be recycled at drop-off points around the UK, often in partnership with TerraCycle.

Yet, for most of us, convenience is key if we are to keep up our good intentions – so what can you chuck in your recycling bin? You might be surprised...