Twitter index: Thanksgiving and Musicians' Day

On Thursday November 22, Twitter users wish each other a happy Thanksgiving and a "Feliz día del músico" or "Happy Musicians' Day".

The United States' Thanksgiving Day and the Christian church's feast of Saint Cecilia, patron saint of musicians, usually fall on the same day every five or six years, notwithstanding the occasional 11 year gap.

So Twitter users spread a spirit of appreciation by mentioning those they're thankful for, be it God, parents, pets, friends and fellow Twitter users.

Musicians' Day prompts a show of goodwill towards the acoustically inclined, through Twitter messages and links to favorite songs.

The two sentiments combine as fans of British singer Cher Lloyd chatter about her Black Friday performance on US TV, while YouTube starlets Megan & Liz and the oddball Briefcase Drill Team trend after their appearances during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York.

The top 10 most talked about topics on Twitter on November 22 at 4pm GMT are:

01. #MentionSomeoneYoureThankfulFor
02. Briefcase Drill Team
03. #VolvamosALosTiemposEnDonde
04. Happy Thanksgiving
05. #FelizDíaDelMúsico
06. #CherLloydOnXFactorUSA
08. Héctor "Macho" Camacho
09. Estados Unidos Mexicanos a México
10. Megan & Liz