Why Muay Thai Is The Perfect Way To Get Back In Shape Post-Circuit Breaker


The Circuit Breaker period in Singapore has kept us all indoors for some time now. And while we’ve definitely discovered some creative ways to keep in shape by working out at home, we do certainly miss the Muay Thai gym.

Speaking of Muay Thai, it’s a terrific option for fitness when this Circuit Breaker period eventually ends, and the situation with COVID-19 eases throughout the world. Muay Thai is an amazing option for those looking to reignite their fitness after an extended period of light to no activity.

There are a host of benefits associated with training in Muay Thai, which is why you should consider joining a Muay Thai class at the soonest possible time. Some of its training characteristics are conducive to getting you in great physical condition quickly and effectively. Many people train in Muay Thai to reap these benefits alone, in addition to learning how to defend themselves through martial arts.

Simply put, Muay Thai is just an amazing martial art, and it’s not surprising why so many people love it.

We’ve come up with a short list of reasons why you should seriously consider Muay Thai training as your primary form of exercise, especially as soon this society imposed lockdown period ends. Today, Evolve Daily shares five reasons why Muay Thai is the perfect activity to get you back in shape post-circuit breaker.

1) It’s the fastest way back to fitness

The fact that Muay Thai training in and of itself is such an intense workout should be enough to whip you back into shape in no time. People are always looking for the fastest ways to achieve noticeable results, especially where getting fit and losing weight is concerned. Muay Thai training offers itself as the ultimate health and fitness program, accessible to everyone.

Muay Thai’s reputation as a tough, hardcore workout is well-warranted. It’s one of the most physically challenging martial arts to practice. If you’re the type that likes to be challenged day in and day out, Muay Thai could be for you.

Because Muay Thai is so intense, naturally, the payoff for hard work is quick and satisfying too. Muay Thai, also known as ‘The Art of Eight Limbs’, utilises almost every muscle in the human body, and is the perfect mix of cardiovascular, strength, and endurance training. It also works out and engages your core to give you a more defined midsection.

With just a few weeks of consistent training in Muay Thai and you will already see the difference.

2) It’s definitely not boring

While many fitness programs can get stale and boring very quickly, Muay Thai training is the exact opposite. Every training session is designed to challenge you in different ways, and you’re constantly learning something new.

This is in stark contrast to, let’s say, spending an hour on the treadmill each day just aimlessly jogging about. Muay Thai is fun and accessible to people of all ages, no matter the gender, body type, or fitness level. Many people turn to Muay Thai as their go-to cardio workout.

Muay Thai is a martial art, so there’s a great deal of learning involved. You have to execute techniques properly and really learn how to move like a Muay Thai fighter. This gives practitioners a purpose, and not just use Muay Thai as a way to break a sweat.

Muay Thai is so much fun that it’s hard to feel fatigued during training, because you’re just so fixated on the learning aspect of it. Many people find this enjoyable. It’s certainly the perfect activity after spending months at home not doing very much.

3) You can learn how to defend yourself

Probably one of the biggest reasons people gravitate towards Muay Thai training is because they want to learn how to defend themselves. Self-defence is a basic human skill that everyone should develop.

Muay Thai is especially popular with women, because it empowers women with the knowledge of self-defence. The learning curve for Muay Thai is not steep at all. Training is very efficient, and streamlined. You obviously start with the basic punching and kicking combinations, and then you learn a little bit of defence. The techniques are simple yet very effective.

After just a few months of training, the average person will have gained the ability to intelligently defend themselves in common physical situations. While you may not go around actively seeking a fight, the mere fact that you have the ability to defend yourself and those around you should the need arise is invaluable.

4) Boost your immune system

Korean MMA star Song Ka Yeon training Muay Thai at Evolve MMA. (PHOTO: Evolve MMA)
Korean MMA star Song Ka Yeon training Muay Thai at Evolve MMA. (PHOTO: Evolve MMA)

Especially in these strange and difficult times, and in a world post COVID-19, having a strong, fortified immune system is very important, and should be everyone’s goal.

Like any other intense physical exercise, Muay Thai does wonders for your immune system. It can really boost your entire physical well-being. One way Muay Thai is able to achieve this is through stress relief. Muay Thai training is known as a great stress reliever.

Punching and kicking the pads, practicing your combinations in sparring, and performing the strength and conditioning exercises, helps give people an outlet for their frustrations.

Furthermore, consistent physical activity is known to expedite the human body’s production of endorphins, otherwise known as the ‘happy hormone.’ An increase in the level of endorphins improves overall mood, sleep quality, and lowers levels of cortisol. This creates an environment for the human body to function more efficiently.

While it may not protect us directly from the threat of COVID-19, it’s still great to boost your immune system regardless. A strong immune system is our body’s natural defence against pathogens and other harmful bacteria.

5) It gets you in the right frame of mind

Spending months in quarantine, or in Circuit Breaker, can be taxing not just on your physical body, but also on the mind. Many people forget to take care of their minds, so it becomes a major focus for us by the time we end the lockdown period.

Muay Thai training offers an escape, a way to relieve your stress by clearing your mind and focusing only on the specific workouts aimed at bringing out your best. It pulls you away from the traps of everyday technology and social media.

Because Muay Thai is a martial art, it requires concentration and focus. No two classes are ever the same. By training your mind to prepare for a tough workout, you’re slowly conditioning the way you think. Over time, this also helps your brain function more efficiently.

We all need to focus on getting in the right frame of mind, especially when this Circuit Breaker period ends.

So if you’re looking for a way to get back to your best post-circuit breaker, give Muay Thai a go.

This article, Why Muay Thai Is The Perfect Way To Get Back In Shape Post-Circuit Breaker, originally appeared on Evolve MMA, Asia’s No. 1 martial arts organisation.