
Wisp makes it easy to get prescriptions delivered for free, or for same-day pickup at your local pharmacy

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Is there anything worse than feeling a bit, well, uncomfortable down there? Or not being able to get an appointment with your doctor to get a prescription that offers some relief? This is the 21st century, right? We have wireless internet and electric cars, so why not access to medicine when we need it, too?

Breaking news: wisp makes it easy to get a fast-acting bacterial vaginosis treatment. You can have the medicine delivered to your home for free or pick it up the same day at your local pharmacy.

If you’re not familiar with wisp, it’s an incredible reproductive and sexual health company that connects people with independent physicians who offer virtual consultations and evaluations. If the medical professional determines you’re a good candidate for treatment, they can prescribe medications that are discreetly packaged and delivered to you. They treat some of the most common sexual health concerns, including UTIs, yeast infections, and herpes, and they also offer birth control delivery and emergency contraception. Pretty amazing, right?

One of the brand’s most popular and effective products is their BV treatment, available in both pill and gel form.

BV Antibiotics (Tablets & Gel)

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With a Trustpilot rating of “excellent” and more than 800 reviews, wisp’s BV Treatment is easy to use and very effective. The antibiotics eliminate basically all of the symptoms associated with BV including the strong smell and the burning and itching sensation. Even better, the wisp BV treatment reduces inflammation, which is key because that can sometimes put you at a higher risk to develop an STI.

Even if you don’t need wisp’s BV Treatment now, you should definitely check out the site and make a mental note. It’s one of those resources you’ll be glad you know about should you ever need it.

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