Yelp wants you to Yelfie your next review

The Yelfie is half selfie, half Yelp review

Is this a bad publicity stunt or a very clever way of naturally sifting out bogus reviews?

The ‘Yelfie' is Yelp's latest idea for keeping its app fresh in the face of mounting competition form the likes of Google, and the idea's simple.

When yelp users visit a business, they check in via the Yelp app and then they can leave a review. Now, when they launch the app they can instead take a photo of the restaurant or drycleaners -- a chek-in image. But then the app will switch the cameras so that you can take a selfie in situ -- or a Yelfie as Yelp's calling it.

Then with a bit of technological magic the app will mash the two images together and let you add a star-rated review and share the resulting image with others.