I Just Spent The Entire Morning Laughing Uncontrollably At All These Pictures And Now I Really Need You To See Them

1.The perfect pizza topping:

crushed peppers container reading cruch papers

2.A bit of peantt:

Plastic bag with peanut brittle in a pink basket, labeled "PEANTT BRITTLE"; text overlay also says "peantt brittle"

3.The most important alarm:

Smoke alarm reading "smork alam"

4.A must with every bagel:

Cream cheese container reading "cheam creems"

5.Everyone's favorite topping:

Sprinkles container reading "ranibow sprimkle"

6.The leafy green of choice:

Spinach container reading "spinch"

7.Freach on a leash:

Image of coffee creamer cups labeled "French Vanilla," with a sign mistakenly spelling it as "freach vailla."

8.The perfect place to come to a halt:

a stop sign

9.The duality of man:

ketchup bottle reading ketchap

10.The perfect place to sit:

bench labled banch

11.A pleasant thank you:

Sign reading "thank you manmamangment"

12.Fire safety 101:

fire extinguisher horribly mispelled

13.The trash:

Shopping cart reading "garbich"

14.The perfect bed to hit your noggin on:

Bunk bed with a tent top, slide, and ladder. Listed for $100. Message option shown below the image

15.The best condiment:

Ketchup container reading "kepchup"

16.The ultimate assort:

Sign reading "assort gumble" on a gumball container

17.A breakfast staple:

Oatmeal container labeled "oatmeat"

18.The only broth for hands:

Soap dispenser labeled "hand soup"

19.The store with everything you need:

walmart sign that just says walm

20.A balanced breakfast:

Sign reading "scarmmbled eggs"

21.The one rule:

Sign reading "no smorking"

22.The delicious place to eat:

burger king sign with the second r out that says burge

23.Delicious guts:

Chicken nuggets container labeled "chicken nutguts"

24.The most delicious spice:

Nutmeg container labeled "nugmet"

25.The trip of a lifetime:

"Eeby Deeby"

26.The dumbest stick:

Sign reading "dumsticks & thighs"

27.The most delicious mammal:

sign reading chocolate mouse

28.That campfire treat:

Sign misspelling marshmallows

29.Workout equipment:

Facebook marketplace listing reading "dumbles"

30.Little bebbies:

Sign reading "strawbebbies for sale"

31.An important reminder of what you are:

Sign reading "belssed"

32.Body milk:

Milk dispenser labeled "skin milk"

33.Swampy potaos:

Mashed potatoes with a sign labeled "marsh potao"

34.Questionable jelly:

jelly container reading crap apple jelly

35.Harrison Ford's newest film:

facebook marketplace ad reading fridge raider

36.That aquatic delicacy:

picture of shrimp reading shimp
reddit.com / Via u/sbobble430

37.My man Fred:

buffett item reading fred dumplings
reddit.com / Via u/5ive22

38.Everyone's favorite grocery section:

meat section that reads schmeat
reddit.com / Via u/hargreaves

39.An important notice:

sign on a pot that read this item is reduced due to misspelling of the word bird and it says brid
reddit.com / Via u/darkridoom

40.The only instrument worth playing:

banjo for sale listed as bango