Remember Cheryl’s birthday? Here's another logic question that baffles

by Kerene Ng

Remember when the internet went bananas trying to find out the date of Cheryl’s birthday in a logic question?

Here comes another one. Don’t worry, this is pretty simple, as long as you know how to think out of the box.


(Photo: Mashable)

The puzzle is meant for elementary school kids, who have to identify the number of a blocked parking lot spot in less than 20 seconds.

In the question, six numbered parking spots are displayed, with one blocked from view by a parked car.

With the numbers, 16, 06, 68, 88, and 98, it does prove to be quite a challenge.

The answer is simple: Just flip the image over, and the answer will be right in front you, clear as day.

(Photo: Mashable)

This puzzle appeared in a Hong Kong elementary school first grade student admissions test, and was circulated on Chinese social media platform, Sina Weibo.

According to The Guardian, the puzzle was in fact created by British puzzle inventor David Bodycombe, who came up with the question when he was in a car park in Portugal. It was also published in a 2002 IQ puzzle book for Marks & Spencer.