Sexercises for women


If you’re stressed the last thing you want is sex. Doing cardio-based activities will pump you full of endorphins and improve your mood though. In turn this will make you want it more and will give your sex drive a boost. Method: wear a sports bra, aim for about 70-80 skips a minute at first. To tone your abs do a running skip by bringing your knees up in a high march as you jump, alternating each leg between skips.

Upavistha Konasana

Are you satisfied in bed? Most women aren’t. If you want to orgasm more then you should try and increase the blood flow to the pelvis with this fab yoga move. Method: Sit on the floor with your legs wide. Keep your toes and knees pointing straight up. Lean your upper body forward as far as it goes comfortably. Hold for five to 10 deep breaths.

Sexercises for women
Sexercises for women

The plank

Is this another exotic position? Nope. Fact is most women hate crazy positions because for most of us our bodies jiggle and wiggle involuntarily. The plank, though, helps tone up these wobbly areas and makes you more confident trying new things in bed. Method: lie face down, push up and hold your body off the ground using your toes and forearms for support. Keep your back straight. Hold for 30-60 seconds and do daily.

Pelvic floor muscles

They don’t sound pretty, but pelvic floor exercises are worth doing. Doing pelvic floor exercises regularly will make you more sensitive and they can give you stronger orgasms. Plus you can do them anywhere – at your desk, on the bus, in the shower. Method: imagine you are urinating and then try to stop the flow. Repeat this hold, squeeze, and release cycle 10 times. Try to hold each for 10 seconds.

Bow bend

We’ve all seen that insanely good yoga whizz and we’ve all probably had the same thought: I bet they’re great in bed. Getting more flexible will enable you to do more positions and allow for deeper penetration, which will make sex better for both you and your guy. Method: lie on your stomach and take your heels as close to your butt as you can, then take your hands behind and hold your ankles. Keep your knees hip width apart.
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