Want to watch porn in Singapore? It's not too hard now

Now there's a way to watch porn in Singapore, thanks to a little pet project by a programmer. (AFP file photo)

For decades now, Singaporeans have been complaining about the filters the Media Development Authority (MDA) set to make sure pornographic material on the web are out of reach. Just like the bottle of medicine your mother keeps on the highest level of that wooden shelf in your kitchen – out of sight, out of mind, right?

Wrong. The guys at EDMW, which stands for ‘Eat-Drink-Men-Women’, a popular forum on Singapore’s Hardwarezone.com, spent their Chinese New Year holidays collecting red packets and creating a Chrome extension called  ‘Go Away MDA’ to bypass the filters set up to ban websites. All users have to do is install the extension linked on the website, log in and enable Incognito mode for the extension.

The hobby project allows users to surf any website banned by the media censorship entity without getting tracked. The creator notes on the website his or her motivations (probably his, as the footnote cites ‘Bros’) for coming up with this awesome extension, “One, It was a CNY project as I was learning Twitter bootstrap. Two, I enjoy my Internet freedom, and urge all of you to never give that up, let alone to any government agencies. Three, I did have some blind hopes for it going viral.”

The creator did mention that if the extension violates any law locally, he or she will be more than willing to comply.

Don’t watch porn. Just read e27.