10 Japanese school rules that are pretty weird
Last month, a Japanese female high school student with natural brown hair was forced to dye her hair black by the school. The incident created an uproar and sparked discussions. Japanese Twitter users have since been posting weird school rules they faced with the hashtags #こんな校則いらない (we don’t need this kind of school rule) and #ブラック校則 (“black” school rules). Let’s take a look at some of the more ridiculous ones below.
1. Female students’ undergarments must be white. The girls are assembled in a separate room. Their blouses are unbuttoned and their skirts are flipped in an inspection by female teachers.
麻雀とダーツは中学生はやらないから良いんだろうけどカラオケとボウリングって…orz— Canary.Dec.26@大それた力 (@Q_T_H_) October 31, 2017
2. Wrapping a muffler around the neck even if you have a weak throat is not allowed, whereas using a towel is fine.
マフラー禁止。喉の弱い僕は自己判断で巻いていったら教師に取り上げられた。体調のことを告げると「タオルを巻いてこい」と。何が違うんじゃ。 #こんな校則いらない
— はっしー@NZプログラマ (@hassy_nz) October 31, 2017
3. During summer, even if it is hot at a school assembly, you cannot cool yourself down using a fan, your clothes or your hand. Everyone tried to endure it but a female student fell to the floor with a seizure.
見てて思い出した。真夏の全校集会、死ぬほど暑い体育館でキッチリ服装。絶対に扇子とか服とか手で顔や身体を仰ぐな!涼むな!って言われて皆、我慢してた。そしたら女の子がぶっ倒れてビクンビクン痙攣。保健の先生が「暑いから、生徒が仰ぐのを禁止しないで!」と叫んでたね。— 柚子こまち鏡音しおり (@yuzu_kmc) November 1, 2017
4. The school-provided helmet of the bicycle used for travelling to school is not replaceable, even if it is broken in an accident. The school is trying to emphasise taking care of your helmet as it is the only one you will have. But it makes you wonder how much they value a student’s life, asking them to use a broken helmet all the way till graduation.
自転車通学用ヘルメットは卒業まで替え無し。「1個しかないから大事に使えよ」との事。事実、転倒で頭打った生徒が割れたヘルメットで卒業まで通った。生徒の命を何だと思っている。— 飯島貴志@ウルトラムーン&Ever Oasis (@Poulet_Iijima) November 1, 2017
5. Being forced to use tampons during one’s menstrual period when it is time for swimming lesson. Not only do you feel uncomfortable during your period, it is also not ideal to cool your body by going into the water. If you choose to sit out, you have to attend supplementary classes during the summer vacation and swim 500m.
夏休みに補講で1授業につき500m泳がなければいけなかった。#こんな校則いらない— berrymint_SATTON (@satton_bm) November 1, 2017
6. Regardless of the distance and how heavy your bag is, you have to walk to school, even if it takes more than 40 minutes. Moreover, you are not allowed to hydrate yourself.
校則ほぼない超フリーダムな高校時代最高だった。— 空色アビシニアン (@SorairoAby) October 31, 2017
7. Wearing nude stockings or white socks to school is okay, but black tights are not allowed for no particular reason.
— kage1021 (@1021_kage) November 3, 2017
8. Not allowed to make noise during preparation time for lunch and the last 10 minutes of lunch. Otherwise, you will not have the option to ask for seconds, or ask for less food the next day.
小学4年生の子供に権力持たせて統治なんてやらせようものなら、どうなるかは想像着く。#こんな校則いらない— Ayumi❤️ (@lK6a9yTUKzkUyen) November 5, 2017
9. Forced to join an activity club.
ブラック校則の筆頭は「強制部活」だと思う。#ブラック校則 #ブラック部活
— yosh (@yoshiyu02784200) November 6, 2017
10. Getting denied entry to school every morning because of a perm and brown hair. After showing the certificate to prove that her hair is natural, a girl was denied entry for having a darker skin colour.
クルクルパーマに茶毛の私は毎朝校門で止められてました。地毛証明書を取ってからは肌の色が黒いのを理由に止められ 、「お前の家には日焼けサロンがあるのか!」と。生徒には厳しいのに先生の倫理がダメで、生徒に権力を使って手を出しまくり、高校教師というドラマが生まれました。#ブラック校則
— mako (@maco__h) October 29, 2017
As with all rules and regulations, they are meant to institute order. But in some cases, they may seem overboard and redundant. Have you faced any weird school rules too? Comment below!
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