11 Coronation Street spoilers for next week

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Next week on Coronation Street, Daisy's ordeal continues as she receives an ominous warning about Justin.

Elsewhere, Damon's return sparks drama at the solicitor's office, while Stephen endangers Carla in his quest to take over Underworld.

Here's a full collection of 11 big moments coming up.

1. Daisy is visited by Justin's sister

daisy midgeley, jenny, karen, coronation street

Daisy is appalled to find Justin creeping around on the cobbles, just days after she went to court in the hope of securing a Stalking Protection Order. She decides to give him a taste of his own medicine by filming him for a livestream, wanting him to know what it feels like to have boundaries disrespected like this.

Jenny and Glenda watch the footage of the row from The Rovers, and they're concerned that the situation is spiralling further out of control.

Later, Justin's sister Karen visits the pub and tells Daisy that it's not the first time her brother has become obsessed with someone. She warns that Daisy needs to watch out, as Justin is dangerous.

2. Daisy confides in Ryan

ryan connor, daisy midgeley, coronation street

Daisy suffers a panic attack when she spots a delivery van on the Street and assumes that it's Justin.

Ryan steps in and offers support to Daisy by taking her to the café for a chat. Daisy explains how she's constantly looking over her shoulder due to Justin's stalking.

3. Carla fears for her future

carla barlow , coronation street

Carla worries that she could end up back in prison for driving without insurance when she had the accident with the Underworld van recently. Peter assures her that it won't come to that.

Carla still doesn't seem like her usual self when she absent-mindedly agrees to a staff bonus following the recent lucrative Nippersnapper deal. She ends up paying a visit to Dr Gaddas about the strange symptoms she's been experiencing in recent weeks.

4. Stephen steps up his cruel spiking plan

coronation street, stephen, sarah

Stephen warns Carla to be on top form when the American clients visit the factory to discuss the Nippersnapper deal. Carla fumes over Stephen overstepping the mark and puts him back in his box by ordering him to make tea.

Stephen is annoyed over Carla belittling him, so he puts a double dose of LSD in her drink. The meeting goes well, but once the clients have left, Carla's side-effects take hold as she angrily orders everyone out of the factory.

5. Stephen endangers Carla's life

carla barlow, stephen reid, coronation street

Later in the week, Carla insists on returning to work but soon finds that she's still struggling to cope. She pays another visit to Dr Gaddas, who recommends that she should take a longer break and resume using her antipsychotic drugs.

Stephen steals a set of Carla's keys from the factory and sneaks his way into her flat, where he finds her asleep. He slips the keys back into Carla's bag and then turns the grill on, creating an imminent fire risk.

6. Tim arranges for Miley to visit

jackson hodge, tim metcalfe, eliza, miley, coronation street

Tim goes behind Faye's back and arranges for Jackson to bring Miley to the Street. Shortly after Faye heads off for a day out with Craig, secretive Tim welcomes Jackson and Miley to Number 4.

Sally disapproves of Tim's behaviour, warning that he's playing a dangerous game. She may be right when Faye returns home unexpectedly, putting the secret visit at risk of exposure already.

7. Faye makes a life-changing decision

faye windass, miley hodge, coronation street

Tim puts further pressure on Faye to establish a relationship with her young daughter, claiming that she'll regret it for the rest of her life if she doesn't.

Faye finally agrees to see Miley, but she's nervous as Tim welcomes Jackson and Miley back into Number 4.

8. Beth betrays Kirk

marco, beth sutherland, coronation street

Beth gets dressed up and heads off to secretly meet her ex-boyfriend Marco at the Bistro, without Kirk's knowledge.

Glenda joins Beth for some moral support, but quickly makes herself scarce when she realises that three's a crowd.

9. Tracy makes peace with Daisy

tracy mcdonald, daisy, coronation street

Daisy gets final preparations in place for the wedding, but still doesn't have a florist sorted out.

Putting aside the previous row when she demanded a freebie, Daisy swallows her pride and asks Tracy to get on board. Tracy agrees, on the condition that she can be a bridesmaid alongside Amy.

10. Nick struggles without Sam

nick tilsley, coronation street

Nick realises how much he's missing Sam when he learns that his son has become Hope's boyfriend.

Nick confides in Sarah about how Sam and Leanne are both snubbing him after his secret deal with Harvey. Sarah shares an idea which might help.

11. Damon's return leaves Dee-Dee and Adam at odds

damon, dee dee bailey, adam, coronation street

Adam fears that his business is in trouble, so it's music to his ears when he learns that drug dealer Damon is looking for legal representation following his recent arrest.

Dee-Dee is annoyed to find Damon in the solicitor's office, so she tries to kick him out and warns Adam that this is the dodgy guy who has been tormenting Nick.

Adam is still keen to take on Damon as a client, pointing out that he's loaded and they need the money. Dee-Dee remains unhappy over Adam's stance.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

Read more Coronation Street spoilers on our dedicated homepage

We would encourage anyone who identifies with the topics raised in this article to reach out. Call 999 if you or anyone you know is in immediate danger, or report any concerning situations using UK government resources or the Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service. The National Stalking Helpline is open 9.30am-4pm on weekdays (and until 8pm on Wednesdays) on 0808 802 0300.

Coronation Street has been working on Daisy's storyline with support from The Suzy Lamplugh Trust, which works to reduce the risk of violence and aggression through campaigning, education and support.

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