11 Disney Movies Not on Disney+ That Should Be Streaming (Photos)

11 Disney Movies Not on Disney+ That Should Be Streaming (Photos)

Disney has what is arguably the most robust (and most beloved) library of any of the streaming services, but the release of these titles on Disney+ – everything from theme park-related specials to TV movies to television series to big theatrical releases – has been somewhat lacking despite the availability of the big-name classics. There could be dozens of new-to-the-service titles every week but there are hardly any, and while we acknowledge there are certainly issues with licenses, there are still a number of Disney films eligible for streaming that simply aren’t available. This is a problem, especially for a service that desperately needs to attract new subscribers and then maintain those subscribers, avoiding the dreaded “churn.”

It’s with this in mind that we look at 11 titles we think desperately deserve to be on Disney+ and why they are so essential. Of course, this is merely scratching the surface; there are hundreds more where these came from. But here’s a start.