11 Emmerdale spoilers for next week

Emmerdale spoilers follow.

Coming up on Emmerdale, Caleb's malicious plot is under threat when Kim makes a shocking discovery.

Elsewhere, Gabby's left heartbroken as Nicky jilts her on their wedding day, and Mackenzie and Chloe give into temptation.

Here are the 11 big moments to watch out for.

1. Caleb's plot gathers pace

caleb, emmerdale

Believing he's the rightful heir to the Home Farm fortune, Caleb has been busy gathering information on Kim's numerous businesses.

Clueless to her colleague's hidden agenda, Kim logs into her bank account, unaware that Caleb is secretly hacking his way in.

Caleb is left rubbing his hands together in glee as he discovers the last password he needs to clear Kim's bank accounts.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the village, a hungover Nicky meets Ally, who suggests he calls off his wedding to Gabby and marries him instead. Completely thrown by the proposal, Nicky walks away.

2. Nicky wants out

nicky, caleb, emmerdale

Unaware that Caleb is preparing to take her for every penny, Kim joins him to look over the stud farm plans. During their meeting, Kim falls further into Caleb's trap by asking him to arrange for the architect 'Adrian' to visit.

Caleb soon realises he'll have to play a longer game if he wants to destroy Kim and informs Nicky of the change of plan.

Nicky's had enough of their dirty dealings and tells his dad he wants out. Can Caleb talk him round?

3. Nicky jilts Gabby

nicky, gabby thomas, emmerdale

There's excitement in the air as Nicky and Gabby's wedding dawns. As the families prepare for the day ahead, Caleb introduces Adrian to Kim and is delighted when the pair immediately hit it off.

In a break with tradition, bride-to-be Gabby slips into her wedding dress and goes to see Nicky. Welling up, she asks her fiancé if he'll officially adopt Thomas once they're married.

Unable to carry on living a lie, Nicky devastates Gabby by revealing he's gay and can't go through with marrying her.

4. Kim rumbles Caleb's plan

kim tate, emmerdale

Panic sets in when Caleb hears what Nicky has done. He confronts his son, punching him hard in the face. Nicky can't believe what he's hearing as Caleb orders him to take the fall when he empties the Home Farm accounts.

Frustrated, Caleb then tries to call Adrian to fast track his plan, but is horrified when he logs into Kim's online accounts to find they are already empty.

Moments later, Caleb's façade slips when he's confronted by an enraged Kim. Is it game over for Frank Tate's secret son?

5. Charity struggles to be around Mack

mackenzie boyd, chloe, emmerdale

Charity is having a tough time in accepting Mackenzie is baby Reuben's father. Sarah also feels stuck between a rock and a hard place, and when Mack spends the afternoon with Chloe and their son, she's left conflicted over whether to tell her gran.

The next morning, it's Sarah's birthday, but she's disappointed when Charity appears to have forgotten. It's all a ruse though, and soon Moses, Ryan and Noah burst in singing 'Happy Birthday'.

Charity is forced to put her own feelings aside when she reluctantly invites Chloe to a surprise party she's throwing for her granddaughter. But it's not long before tensions rise when Mack arrives at the celebrations with Reuben.

6. Mack and Chloe share a kiss

charity, chloe, mack boyd, emmerdale

Despite promising Charity there's nothing going on between him and Chloe, Mackenzie can't help but feel drawn towards the mother of his child. Finding themselves together in the back room of the pub, Mack and Chloe give into temptation and share a kiss.

The pair are filled with emotion as they witness Reuben's first smile, unaware Charity is standing nearby watching them. Consumed with jealousy and rage, she tells Chas what she saw, but tries to make out she's over Mack.

Meanwhile, things are awkward between Chloe and Mack after their encounter, but they agree to leave things open-ended.

7. Bear asks Mandy out

mandy dingle, bear wolf, emmerdale

Paddy is amused when he catches Bear grooming his beard in the mirror, unaware he's making an effort for Mandy, who he harbours feelings for.

Bear misreads their conversation and thinks his son is giving him the green light to pursue his former wife.

After enjoying a spot of pampering at the Salon, Bear has a twinkle in his eye as he asks Mandy out for lunch. Thinking it's just as friends, she accepts.

8. Bear makes his move

bear wolf, mandy dingle, emmerdale

Mandy gets more than she bargained for at lunch when Bear moves in for a kiss. With her emotions all over the place, Mandy hurries off, leaving Bear feeling mortified for misreading the situation.

Mandy soon feels bad about running out on Bear and goes to see him. During their chat, Mandy finally admits she's in love with Paddy. Bear encourages her to be honest about her feelings, which gives Mandy a push in the right direction.

Arriving at Tenant's, Mandy takes the plunge and opens her heart to Paddy. But the romantic moment is soured when Paddy learns about her near-kiss with Bear.

9. Charles is harbouring a secret

charles anderson, claudett, emmerdale

Charles is edge after receiving a mysterious phone call, and his distracted behaviour doesn't go unnoticed by Claudette.

She tries to grab her son's attention by critiquing his sermons, but is left hurt when Charles tells her there's other places she can go.

Clearly deeply troubled, Charles slips away from the village and heads to the prison to meet someone…

10. Charles confronts his mystery caller

charles anderson, emmerdale

Feeling a mixture of dread and anger, Charles arrives at the prison and braces himself as a man walks towards him.

The vicar is in no mood for pleasantries and tells the man to stay away from his family.

Returning to the village, Charles remains disturbed by his encounter and starts snapping at his loved ones.

Claudette believes she's the cause of Charles's bad temper and worries he wants her to move out.

11. Tom moves on

jimmy king, belle, tom, emmerdale

With all his kids having flown the nest, lonely Rishi admits to Charles he's finding it tough living by himself at Holdgate Farm.

Meanwhile, Belle is keen for Tom to find somewhere to live now he's decided to stick around in the Dales.

Hearing about Rishi's situation, Belle reckons her boyfriend would make the ideal housemate.

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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