All 12 Core Last Crumb Cookies, Ranked (You Know, for Science)

It’s no secret that big-as-your-head, goo-filled cookies are trending. But Last Crumb cookies just might be the most sought-after of them all. Not only do their flavors range from upgraded takes on timeless combinations to totally unconventional ones, but acquiring them also requires a bit of forethought, due to their popularity. Their cookie boxes (which cost $140 a pop) operate under a “drop” system, much like some streetwear clothing lines. Instead of ordering whenever, cookie-loving consumers add their names to a waitlist in hopes of snagging a curated box the moment they become available.

If you’re eager to taste what the fuss is all about, you can add your name to the waitlist here. While you wait for your turn to indulge, read on for our definitive ranking of the 12 core Last Crumb cookies, from pretty good to oops, we’re in love.

This Gourmet Cookie Box Is So Exclusive That There’s a Waitlist to Get One

12. S’mores Sans Campfire

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

Just because it’s in last place doesn’t mean it isn’t tasty. These cookies are packed with both dark and milk chocolates, cinnamon graham cracker crust and one large marshmallow in the center. Despite it being toasted, the campfire element eluded us; we wish there was a certain smokiness or visible char on the marshmallow to drive the flavor home. (We also found the dark chocolate drizzle on top to be pretty, but messy and perhaps unnecessary.) On the plus side, the graham cracker crumbs are still crunchy (not soggy) and the mallow is soft and chewy, just like you want in a s’more.

11. What the F*ck Velvet

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

We really wanted to love this red velvet-inspired cookie, but we need to place it at number 11. Despite being made with apple cider vinegar, buttermilk powder and velvety cream cheese frosting, we found this crimson pick to be lacking in tang. We also thought there wasn’t nearly enough frosting in the center, given the size of the cookie. Basically, there’s nothing wrong with this cookie, we just want more of all its good qualities.

10. Netflix and Crunch

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

Made with Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal in mind, this warm, autumnal variety delivers. It’s made with cinnamon graham cracker crust and decadent, almost gritty cinnamon bun filling (which intensifies the cookie’s flavor, but also gives it an unexpected texture that isn’t necessarily what you’re looking for in a cookie), along with a boatload of cinnamon sugar. The crunchy cinnamon streusel on top and the vanilla milk swirl throughout are the best parts though, hands down.

9. The Floor Is Lava

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

Chocolate stans, this one’s for you. This powdered-sugar-topped behemoth is oozing with a trifecta of chocolates (milk! dark! Dutch!) and a gooey ganache core. A dash of espresso offers a touch of bitterness to the overwhelmingly rich treat. In most cases, we feel you can taste the nuances of each cookie best at room temperature, but you’ll *definitely* want to pop this one in the microwave before indulging.

8. Macadamnia

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

We’ve had plenty of white chocolate-macadamia nut cookies in our day. But this sweet-and-salty version—made with brown butter, salted caramel and flaky salt—breathes new life into the old-school confection. The nuts are toasted prior to being added to the dough, so they’re crisp and lightly caramelized. The nuttiness of the butter also amplifies the coziness of the O.G. Our one critique? We wish the white chocolate was more evenly dispersed throughout, so there’s some in every bite.

7. The James Dean

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

You know how Oreos are milk’s favorite cookie? We think they were just dethroned. But don’t fret: They’re still in the picture. Think a malted milk cookie, studded with malt balls, white and semi-sweet chocolate and hulking chunks of Oreo cookies. The aroma made us audibly mmm when we opened the bag. Ready a glass of milk for this one, would ya? It’s only right.

6. Better Than Sex

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

We didn’t know the humble chocolate chip cookie could do all this. The dough is infused with caramelized butter and loaded with three types of chocolate (milk, dark and rich). We love that there are both chips and chunks to sink your teeth into, because textural variety is the spice of life, no? A hint of coffee and a generous flourish of Maldon sea salt on top take the cookie up yet another notch.

5. When Life Gives You Lemons

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

The crackly surface. The sunny yellow interior. The powdered sugar crown. This mouth-puckering gem tastes nearly identical to a lemon bar. It’s so impossibly moist, citrusy and bright, thanks to lemon juice and zest. True to its inspiration, it has graham cracker crust for crunch too. But what makes this one stand out against lemon bars you’ve had before is marshmallow and vanilla chips throughout, which cut through the cookie’s acidity with pockets of sweetness.

4. Everything but the Candles

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

One bite, and boom: Today’s your birthday. The cookie itself is made with a cake batter and brown butter base, which offers just enough salty nuttiness to offset the vanilla frosting and rainbow sprinkles. While it comes in at number 4, we give this cookie extra credit for being probably exactly what the consumer would anticipate and want based on the looks and name. If you’re one of those people who say “cake batter or bust” when it comes to baked goods and ice cream, you might want to save this puppy for last.

3. Donkey Kong

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

Banana cream pie in cookie form: It’s a thing, and we’re so grateful it exists. Gooey marshmallows, rich vanilla pudding, white chocolate, vanilla wafers and bananas unite for a positively mind-blowing treat that will leave you speechless—besides all the oohing and aahing, of course. It’s ridiculously moist and decadent (think banana muffin meets banana pudding, with a cameo from bananas foster), and legitimately sticky to the touch. It’s no wonder Last Crumb’s head chef calls it the best of the bunch.

2. The Madonna

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

Beware, PB lovers. This sweet is *not* for the faint of heart (er, stomach). The creamy, dreamy nut spread of your dreams is worked into this cookie in four different forms. We’re talking peanut butter in the dough, along with peanut butter cups, peanut butter chips and a peanut butter swirl. In case that wasn’t drool-worthy enough, additional milk chocolate and a sprinkle of flaky salt are added to sweeten the deal. Our singular complaint is that it’s so damn rich, you’ll definitely need to eat it in two sittings (or not…).

1. Not Today, Mr. Muffin Man

Audrey Ma/Last Crumb

We have not a single complaint about this blueberry muffin-inspired cookie. It’s our favorite of the bunch, because 1) its flavor is spot on (hi there, wild Maine blueberries and brown sugar streusel) and 2) its texture strikes a flawless 50/50 balance between crumbly, light muffin and doughy, fudgy cookie. We also love that the blueberries are tossed in whole and swirled into the cookie in the form of a deep purple puree. BRB, trekking to Drury Lane to thank the Muffin Man in person (and to get seconds).

Chonky, Crumbl, Last Crumb: Softball-Sized, Goo-Filled Cookies Are 2021’s Hottest Dessert

Taryn Pire is PureWow’s associate food editor. A former bartender and barista, she’s been writing about all things delicious since 2016, developing recipes, reviewing restaurants and investigating food trends at Food52, New Jersey Family Magazine and Taste Talks. When she isn’t testing TikTok’s latest viral recipe, she’s having popcorn for dinner and posting about it on Instagram @cookingwithpire.