12 Coronation Street spoilers for next week

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Next week's Coronation Street will see Ryan's anger get the better of him as his steroid abuse continues, while Paul faces some big decisions.

Meanwhile, Michael rescues Cassie after a nasty encounter with her drug dealer.

Here's a look at 12 big moments hitting screens.

1. Ryan tries to help Peter

peter barlow, ryan connor, coronation street

Peter reluctantly informs Ryan that he needs some rent money from him as Peter owes £15,000 to Rufus's wife.

Ryan promises to help and decides to ask for some extra shifts at the Bistro, but Carla is less than impressed to learn that Peter has decided to pressure Ryan for money.

Meanwhile, Ryan receives a flirty message from Liv, one of his online followers. He initially enjoys the attention but is taken aback when she asks him for a nude picture.

2. Ryan considers a career change

ryan connor, coronation street

Ryan reveals to Sean and Daisy that he wants to make money from his social media accounts, but the pair warn him that he'd have to sell dodgy pictures to do so.

Later, Ryan is gutted to learn that Daisy and Daniel are moving in together and backs out of his plans to meet Daisy for a drink.

Concerned, Daisy drops by Ryan's flat to check up on him. Ryan makes out that he's fine but when she leaves, he creates a profile on O-Vidz and posts his first video.

3. Ryan lashes out at Carla

coronation street

Ryan's shocked to see the money pouring in after his first video and realises he's onto a winner. He lies to Carla and Peter that his career as an online fitness influencer is taking off and he'll be able to pay his rent.

When Ryan receives a message from another follower offering to pay for private pictures, Ryan is happy to oblige but is torn when the subscriber offers him more money for full body and face.

Ryan is devastated to read a derogatory comment online about his scars and Carla attempts to reassure him. Suffering from the side effects of his steroid abuse, Ryan lashes out at Carla and hurls a glass across the room.

4. Paul continues to struggle with his condition

paul foreman, summer spellman, coronation street

Billy notices that Paul's right leg is beginning to cause problems for him. Paul tries to hide the issue but it's clear he's upset at his body's deterioration.

In a bid to help Paul's mobility, Billy presents him with a walking aid. Paul says that he'll need some time to get used to it, but is horrified when Billy suggests a wheelchair instead.

5. Paul suffers another fall

paul foreman, coronation street

Paul is touched when Billy gives him an engagement ring for his birthday but is quickly overwhelmed by the large crowd gathered for his party.

Gemma suggests he gets some fresh air and take Bryn to the park, but when the youngster runs off, Paul tumbles to the ground.

At the flat, Paul feels embarrassed as he explains that he can't manage the stairs and is lifted home by Billy and Todd. With his condition worsening, Paul realises he needs a stair lift.

6. Billy and Paul clash

paul foreman, billy, coronation street

Paul tries to take his mind off things by preparing for Pride but is devastated when his occupational therapist agrees with Billy that it's time to consider using a wheelchair.

Paul is left furious after the conversation and blasts Billy before storming off. When David later finds Paul drinking vodka on a bench, he informs Billy, who blames himself.

With the help of some drag queens, Paul makes it back to The Rovers safely but is devastated to realise this will be his last ever Pride.

7. Michael comes to Cassie's rescue

cassie plummer, michael plummer, dean, coronation street

Cassie tells Tyrone that she's going to the Citizens Advice Bureau to help her locate somewhere to live, but instead meets up with her drug dealer, Dean. When Cassie can't pay the money she owes him, Dean turns on her and Cassie ends falling to the ground in pain.

Michael witnesses the incident and rushes Cassie to hospital. Dean follows the pair and attacks Michael – just as Ronnie arrives. Ronnie insists they call the police, but Cassie begs them not to.

Later in the week, Cassie's nose is put out of joint when Tyrone introduces her to Kevin and Abi and points out that Abi is a recovering addict too.

8. Ronnie tries to convince Ed

ed and ronnie bailey in coronation street

After the incident with Cassie, Ronnie is shocked to learn from Michael that similar incidents happen all the time to Aggie in her line of work.

Armed with the information, Ronnie uses it to try and convince Ed to join his new business deal so that Aggie can retire.

9. Ronnie fears Dee Dee will catch him out

debbie webster, ronnie bailey, coronation street

Ronnie confides in Debbie that he took her advice and used the money from the Tavern Mews project in order to buy shares in Newton & Ridley.

Dee Dee offers her services to help out with the admin for their new venture and to look over the accounts. While Ed is pleased, Ronnie tries to mask his unease.

10. Todd realises George has been keeping secrets

george shuttleworth, todd grimshaw, , coronation street

Todd discovers that RestEasy had invited him to discuss career opportunities with them but George threw their business card in the bin behind his back.

Todd is peeved by George's dishonesty and takes Glenda's advice to ask for a raise.

When George is non-committal about Todd's request, Todd speaks to RestEasy and is impressed by the lucrative offer they make.

11. Todd and George are at loggerheads

george shuttleworth, todd grimshaw, coronation street

Todd and George are at war over Todd's decision to speak with RestEasy. Eileen tries to convince George to make Todd a counteroffer but he's having none of it and insists that he'll find a replacement.

Meanwhile, Todd prepares for his first wake at RestEasy but is concerned that the company's policies are capitalising on the family's grief.

Later, Todd and George both make out that they're happier without each other but it's clear they miss their old relationship.

12. Stephen has Jenny in his sights

jenny connor, stephen reid, coronation street

Having put Elaine behind him, Stephen once again turns his attention to Jenny. He invites her to a wine tasting event, but Jenny turns the offer down.

Later, Stephen is unimpressed to see that Jenny knocked him back to attend Lily's birthday party and uses the opportunity to try and win her round.

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- Coronation Street star Jodie Prenger reveals "worry" over Stephen storyline

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- Coronation Street kicks off Ryan Connor's big new storyline in 31 spoiler pictures

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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