13 Coronation Street spoilers for next week

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Next week on Coronation Street, Stephen's lies continue to unravel following the discovery of Leo's body.

Elsewhere, Courtney faces a big decision when Dev tries to bribe her, while Ed gets upset over Ronnie not trusting him.

Here's a full collection of 13 big moments coming up.

1. Jenny worries about Teddy

stephen reid, jenny connor, coronation street

Jenny remains in shock following the news that Leo was murdered. She considers paying a visit to Teddy, wondering why he hasn't been in touch about the funeral.

Stephen tries to convince Jenny not to worry about Teddy, hoping to conceal his death. However, Jenny is adamant that something isn't right and she raises the alarm to Craig.

2. Jenny receives more bad news

jenny connor, sean, glenda, coronation street

Jenny receives a visit from the Waterford's manager, who announces plans to close The Rovers for extensive refurbishment. It's confirmed that the contracts of all existing staff members have been terminated with immediate effect.

Later in the week, Jenny and her team watch on in dismay as the pub is boarded up. There are soon tensions among the group as Gemma reveals that she has applied for the deputy manager job with Waterford's, which Daisy sees as an act of disloyalty to Jenny.

3. Stephen's lies start to unravel

stephen reid coronation street

Stephen hopes to escape the escalating murder inquiry by flying away to Thailand for an extended holiday with Jenny.

The pressure increases when DS Swain tells Jenny that Leo and Teddy did not visit Canada. Jenny points out that Teddy contacted Stephen from Canada, which leaves the villain squirming.

Later in the week, Stephen and Jenny move in temporarily with Rita, promising they won't be bothering her for long as they're still planning the Thailand trip. But with the walls closing in on Stephen, could he be brought to justice before he gets the chance to leave?

4. Ryan hits the headlines

ryan connor, carla barlow, izzy armstrong, sean tully, glenda, coronation street

Ryan records another livestream for O-Vidz, but he worries when his filter drops out and one of his followers recognises him as the man who suffered an acid attack.

Word soon gets back to Suki from the Weatherfield Gazette, who asks Ryan to give an interview for a story. It's not long before Suki posts an article online regardless – and Ryan is embarrassed when he finds Glenda, Sean, Carla, Daisy and Daniel all talking about him at the pub.

5. Daniel worries about Ryan

daniel osbourne, ryan connor, coronation street

Lauren finds out that Ryan is looking for a flat to rent, so she offers him the spare room at her place. Carla and Daisy worry that Ryan is making a mistake when he moves out.

Daniel helps Ryan to move his belongings, but ends up witnessing a row when some local lads make nasty comments about Ryan's scars. Ryan rages at his tormentors, forcing Daniel to intervene. Daniel worries further when he spots Ryan's stash of testosterone.

6. Ryan is asked to give a talk

daniel osbourne, daisy, ryan, coronation street

Ryan feels under pressure when Daniel later asks him to give a talk to the students at the Secure Training Centre.

Daniel suggests that Ryan could speak about the impact that violent crime has on its victims, but Ryan isn't sure whether he wants to go through with it.

7. Things get heated at Shelly's funeral

paul foreman, kieran, billy, coronation street

As Billy conducts Shelly's funeral, Paul stands to give a speech. This annoys Shelly's brother Kieran, who steps in to stop him.

Paul accuses Kieran of not being there for Shelly when she needed him. The clash descends into a full-blown tussle, but Paul is mortified when he accidentally hits Billy during the chaos.

8. Paul and Billy's wedding plans continue

paul foreman, coronation street

Paul asks Bernie and Gemma if they'd both walk him down the aisle at his upcoming wedding to Billy. He explains that he needs as much support as possible to steady him during the big moment.

Paul and Billy also meet up with their registrar. Paul requests 'Oh Happy Day' for the exit music, but the registrar explains that they can't have religious music at a civil ceremony. Paul is disappointed by the news.

9. Ed is doubted by Ronnie

ronnie bailey, ed bailey, coronation street

Ed and Ronnie learn that the police have finished examining the building site where Leo's body was found. This leaves them free to continue working on their property development project, but Ed hides how worried he is.

Ronnie reveals that he wants to take Debbie away for a few days, but worries about leaving Ed in charge of the business account after his gambling history. Ed is offended and storms off.

10. Courtney is called out for using Aadi

courtney vance, aadi alahan, coronation street

Courtney puts pressure on Aadi to find them their own place to live and the couple arrange to move into a new flat.

As they celebrate, Courtney and Aadi head to the Bistro at the same time that a golf club event is taking place. Courtney spots her estranged husband Darren and makes a point of kissing Aadi in front of him, hoping to wind him up.

Aadi and Darren square up, forcing Bernie to intervene. Bernie then tells Courtney that it's obvious she's just using Aadi to make Darren jealous.

11. Dev resorts to bribery

dev alahan, courtney vance, coronation street

Dev is intrigued when Darren offers him £5,000 to split up Courtney and Aadi for good.

Dev hands over the money to Courtney, promising that it's hers as long as she dumps Aadi. Will Courtney be tempted?

12. Ange arrives

abi webster, kevin, cassie plumer, ange, coronation street

Former Hollyoaks star Nicole Barber-Lane joins for a guest stint as Ange, the owner of a local taxi firm.

Ange arrives at the garage, explaining that she's looking for a company to service her fleet. Kevin fears the garage's chances have been ruined when Cassie mentions that Abi has been in prison and they're both recovering addicts.

13. Tyrone fears the worst

coronation street tyrone dobbs and evelyn plummer

Tyrone informs Evelyn that Cassie has attended a meeting.

When Tyrone receives a call from the police, he fears that Cassie has found herself in trouble again.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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