13 Coronation Street spoilers for next week

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Next week's Coronation Street will see Eliza knocked down after an argument with Stu, while Aadi's affair with Courtney is exposed.

Meanwhile, Paul suffers a fall as his condition worsens.

Here's a look at 13 big moments hitting our screens.

1. Eliza is knocked down

eliza woodrow, stu, coronation street

When Dom fails to show up to meet with Eliza, Stu tries to boost her spirits by suggesting a trip to visit her mum.

Stu's temper flares when Eliza shows no interest in the visit, and he suggests that Dom continually letting Eliza down is a sign that he doesn't really care.

Upset by Stu's accusation about her father, Eliza storms off... into the path of an oncoming car. The driver speeds away after hitting Eliza and Stu calls an ambulance.

2. Stu is hurt by Eliza's decision

dom everett, eliza woodrow aliya nazir, stu carpenter, coronation street

Eliza is rushed to hospital but is not badly injured. Stu calls Dom, who arrives with a gift for Eliza.

As Stu and Dom butt heads, Stu is gutted when Eliza tells him she wants him to leave.

Stu confides in Alya, who insists that Eliza will eventually see the light. However, when he returns to the hospital, Eliza reveals she wants to live with Dom — leaving both Stu and Dom shell-shocked by the request.

3. Eliza does a runner

eliza woodrow, stu carpenter, coronation street

Stu is concerned when he receives a call from Eliza's school informing him that she didn't show up for class. Having assumed she left for school earlier that morning, Stu guesses that Dom has kidnapped her.

Stu confronts Dom, but Eliza makes it clear that she went to Dom's of her own accord and won't return home.

4. Stu is arrested for assault

coronation street

Unwilling to lose Eliza to Dom, Stu returns with a social worker and a police officer to talk to Eliza.

After speaking with Eliza, the social worker tells Stu it may be best to let Eliza stay with Dom for now, but the news sends Stu into a rage.

As the police officer tries to remove Stu from the situation, Stu accidentally hits him and is arrested for assault.

Later, things get even worse for Stu when the social worker pays him a return visit and tells him that Eliza still wants to remain at Dom's.

5. Dev jumps to the wrong conclusion about Aadi and Amy

aadi, dev alahan, coronation street

Darren announces he has booked a meal to celebrate the successful Freshco deal and suggests Amy accompany Aadi to lunch, but the pair try to make excuses.

Later, Dev refers to Aadi and Amy as a couple, but Aadi assures him that he has got the wrong end of the stick and makes out he's seeing someone else.

6. Aadi and Courtney are caught out by Dev

aadi alahan, dev , coronation street

Dev is surprised when Darren confides in him about his marriage problems and his suspicion that Courtney is having an affair.

Amy secretly listens to the conversation and warns Aadi that Darren is onto him.

Over lunch, Dev tells everyone that Aadi has a new girlfriend, and Aadi sings her praises — with everyone unaware that he's talking about Courtney.

When everyone's backs are turned, Aadi and Courtney share a secret kiss, but Dev walks in and is horrified to find Aadi with his boss's wife.

7. Courtney moves in

courtney vance, aadi, coronation street

After the lunch, Courtney has made herself at home in Number 7. While Dev and Asha worry about how long she intends to stay, Courtney announces that she intends to make a proper go of her relationship with Aadi.

Meanwhile, in an attempt to smooth things over and save the Freshco deal, Dev promises Darren that he'll speak to Aadi.

8. Billy fears Paul is in denial

billy mayhew, coronation street

Billy is concerned when Paul receives a letter offering an appointment with the palliative nurse and makes light of it.

Meanwhile, Paul has a reality check when he meets up with his friend Shelly and notices her drastically deteriorating condition.

Later, Paul faces problems of his own when he struggles to walk. Billy's suggestion that Paul use his wheelchair comes to nothing as Paul refuses.

9. Paul catches Bernie out

paul foreman, coronation street

Paul grows suspicious when he notices that Bernie has a new tablet and, after investigating further, catches Bernie sorting through electronics addressed to Shelly.

Bernie confesses that she has been buying the items on Shelly's company card and selling them to afford all the care and equipment that Paul will require.

Paul realises that Bernie has good intentions but won't let her continue the scam. He heads to Shelly's to put an end to things but trips and falls. Unable to get back up, Paul calls out for help.

10. Dee-Dee has dating troubles

dee dee bailey joel deering, coronation street

Joel asks Dee-Dee out under the pretence of needing advice about US law, but he's disappointed when Dee-Dee misreads his intentions and clearly doesn't see it as a date.

Joel reveals to Dee-Dee that he was using law advice as an excuse to spend time with her and officially asks her out. Dee-Dee is delighted but makes out that she's busy for the next several nights.

When Adam realises Dee-Dee is ruining her chances with Joel so that she can keep him company, he determines to play matchmaker.

11. Tyrone and Evelyn clash over Cassie

tyrone dobbs, evelyn, coronation street

Evelyn warns Tyrone that if he doesn't tell Fiz about Cassie's recent relapse, she will.

As tension mounts between the pair, Evelyn moves into the café flat, and Roy quickly realises living with Evelyn may be more difficult than he thought.

12. Ronnie worries about Ed

debbie webster, ronnie bailey and ed bailey in coronation street

Ed sparks fears that his gambling addiction has got the better of him when he's late for a meal at Speed Daal with Ronnie and Debbie.

The concerns come just as Ronnie and Ed celebrate their success buying Newton & Ridley shares.

13. Lauren searches for somewhere to live

lauren, coronation street

In light of the news that Lauren trashed the salon in a fit of anger, David warns Max to keep clear of the troubled teen.

Meanwhile, Roy reaches out to Lauren and suggests contacting social services on her behalf to help her find somewhere to live. Lauren is grateful but assures him she'll find somewhere herself.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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