16 Coronation Street spoilers for next week

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Next week on Coronation Street, Adam turns to the dark side as he unites with Harvey to bring down Damon.

Elsewhere, Liam's bullying ordeal continues, the truth about Joseph's health is revealed, and Asha makes a confession to Aadi.

Here's a full collection of 16 big moments coming up.

1. Damon pays a visit to Harvey

damon hay, harvey, coronation street

Damon is delighted after spending the night with Sarah, who suggests that he should get to know her family better over drinks at the Bistro. He agrees, but reveals that he needs to visit Harvey in prison first.

In the jail's visiting room, the brothers clash over the pressure Harvey is putting on Damon to complete a criminal job. Harvey takes things a step further by threatening Sarah, which sends Damon into a fury. Visiting a client across the room, Dee Dee watches the drama unfold.

2. Adam and Sarah clash at the Bistro

damon hay, sarah barlow, coronation street

Gail, Audrey and Nick voice their disapproval over Sarah and Damon's relationship when the couple turn up for drinks at the Bistro. The simmering tension is interrupted when Adam arrives, revealing that he knows about Damon's visit to Harvey.

Adam makes it clear that he doesn't want Damon anywhere near Harry, but as he clashes with Sarah, he's quickly reminded that Harry is not his son.

Upset over the row, Adam makes his own appointment to visit Harvey – clearly ready to make a deal with the devil.

3. Adam receives a sinister threat

adam barlow, harvey, coronation street

Adam goes ahead with meeting Harvey in prison. He claims that he has looked over Harvey's case files and believes the killer has a strong case for an appeal.

Showing that he's as dangerous as ever, Harvey warns Adam that the hitman who's going to deal with Damon will also target him if he lets him down with the case.

4. Adam crosses another line

adam coronation street

Damon tries to get back on better terms with Adam, unaware of his ongoing scheming.

Adam meets up with an associate of Harvey's. He hands over a wad of cash and instructs the thug to scare Damon off. However, Adam's discomfort over the situation becomes obvious afterwards as he suffers a panic attack.

5. Gemma raises concerns over Joseph's health

gemma winterbrown, dr gaddas, chesney winterbrown, coronation street

Joseph complains that he has a high temperature. Although Gemma is sympathetic, Chesney dismisses his son and insists that everything is fine.

Gemma remains unsettled over the situation, but Paul advises not rocking the boat in light of her current situation with social services.

Refusing to let this go, Gemma shares her worries with Dr Gaddas when she spots her at the café. Chesney overhears and is furious with Gemma, who was previously warned about time-wasting when she twice took Joseph to the hospital last year.

6. Linda causes trouble between Gemma and Chesney

linda, coronation street

Linda returns to Weatherfield and gives Chesney a business card for a family solicitor, believing it to be necessary after the recent tensions between him and Gemma. Chesney refuses to discuss it.

Gemma finds the card and accuses Chesney of plotting to take the kids away from her. Chesney insists this isn't the case and Linda admits that she was responsible, as she fears Gemma could be a risk to the children.

7. Joseph collapses

joseph brown, chesney winterbrown, linda, coronation street

Chesney is forced to bring Joseph home from school early when he receives a call over the youngster being unwell. Joseph's health troubles come to a head at home when he collapses on the sofa and seems close to losing consciousness.

Joseph is rushed to hospital, where he's diagnosed with Lyme disease. It's revealed that he contracted it while on a camping trip two months ago, which explains his recent mysterious symptoms.

8. Chesney and Gemma's family faces an uncertain future

chesney winterbrown, joseph brown gemma, coronation street

Joseph wakes up in hospital and his loved ones are assured that he should make a full recovery. The good news continues when social services inform Gemma that she's in the clear over the alleged poisoning incident and can move back home.

Chesney is stunned when Joseph insists that he wants to live with Gemma rather than him, as she was the only one who believed he was ill.

9. Liam skips school

liam connor, coronation street

Liam pretends to be heading to school, but as soon as Maria and Gary are no longer watching him, he sneaks back to the flat.

Liam covers his tracks by logging onto the school's website and reporting himself absent due to illness. His plan backfires when the school phones Maria, letting her know that Liam hasn't been seen in lessons for a week.

10. Mason targets Liam again

mason radcliffe, liam connor, coronation street

Maria forces Liam to attend school, but the teen's worst fears become a reality when Mason targets him again.

Mason humiliates Liam by stealing his phone and forcing him to beg for it back. The other kids laugh as Mason refuses to hand it back over - also witnessed by Dylan, who does nothing to defend his former friend.

Later, Mason grabs Liam and pins him against a wall. Desperate for an escape, Liam sets off the school fire alarm.

11. Asha makes a confession

asha and aadi alahan in coronation street

Aadi continues to recover in hospital following a carbon monoxide scare at his flat. Dev insists that Aadi shouldn't return to the flat and invites him to move back home.

Aadi feels guilty when Asha reveals that she has broken up with Nina, who has moved out following the recent kiss drama.

Asha helps Aadi to pack up his flat, but Aadi is confused when he finds her bracelet on the floor. Asha is forced to admit that she visited the flat when he was unconscious. She stormed out, failing to realise the danger he was in.

Meanwhile, Roy invites Nina to move back into her old bedroom in the café flat.

12. Cassie explains her actions

cassie and evelyn plummer in coronation street

Cassie updates Evelyn by revealing that she has donated the money she stole from Terry to a dog charity. She adds that she only attacked him because he was about to hurt the dogs.

Later, Tyrone reveals that Fiz has invited him to join her when she attends a course in Italy. Tyrone considers it, but is reluctant to leave Hope and Ruby with irresponsible Cassie for two weeks.

13. Cassie messes up again

evelyn plummmer tyrone dobbs cassie plumber coronation street

Tyrone goes ahead with the trip, but his fears about Cassie's behaviour start to come true when she allows Ruby to have nail extensions and feeds her crisps for breakfast.

The school raises the alarm to Evelyn about Cassie's antics. Evelyn confronts Cassie, accusing her of being a hindrance when it comes to taking care of the girls.

14. Lauren's boyfriend mystery continues

max turner, lauren, sabrina, coronation street

Max invites Lauren over for tea, but she seems uncomfortable when Sabrina suggests that she should invite her mystery boyfriend along too.

Sabrina tells Max that she suspects Lauren is lying about having a boyfriend. Max questions Lauren on this, causing her to storm out of the café in tears.

15. Max's suspicions grow

max turner, coronation street

Lauren joins Max and Sabrina for lunch at the Bistro and announces that she has dumped her boyfriend.

Later, Max watches on with interest as Lauren speaks to Daniel in the street. Daniel puts a comforting hand on Lauren's shoulder, but will Max misinterpret this?

16. Bernie returns

paul foreman, bernie winter, coronation street

Bernie is released from prison following her short stint behind bars.

She's pleased to find her family at The Rovers, where they've organised a surprise 'welcome home' party for her.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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