18 People Who Are Straight Up Having A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

If you just had the absolute worst, most terrible week, just remember...

1.The person who loves their cats very much, I'm sure:

Two cats lying on a kitchen floor amid a spilled powdery substance and scattered containers. The mess suggests they may have caused it while playing

2.The person who might have made a TINY mess at work:

Spilled white paint covers the floor in a store aisle, with paint buckets nearby and footprints tracking through the spill
u/lampoluza / Via reddit.com

3.The person who will never be able to relax around this carpet:

Patch of damp carpet near a white cabinet

4.The person with a brand new, beautiful skylight in their bathroom:

Bathroom with a hole in the ceiling, debris on the floor, and a shower curtain partially removed. Towels, shelf with items, and a toilet are visible
u/weekly_helicopter62 / Via reddit.com

5.The person who gave their car a nice impromptu interior wash:

View of a car entering a touch-free car wash as seen from the inside of another car. Various instructions and signs are visible around the car wash entrance
u/taintsauce / Via reddit.com

6.The person who will now spend eternity cleaning up little balls:

A vacuum cleaner is used to clean up a large amount of white foam beads scattered across a bedroom floor, with a messy bed and boxes in the background

7.The person who was kind enough to let their delivery driver get the first bite:

Partially eaten burger with visible condiments and fillings, in an open takeout box on a wooden surface
u/whatsqwerty / Via reddit.com

8.The person whose shoe crumbled into dust, like we all will someday:

Two pairs of slippers and one pair of black shoes on a carpet, with some black debris scattered near the black shoes
u/tangerinewax / Via reddit.com

9.The person who lived everyone's worst nightmare:

A living room with a soiled carpet from dog poop smeared by a Roomba vacuum. Text messages: "bro one of the dogs pooped huge and the roomba smeared it" with response "STOPPPPPP."

10.The person whose car had a nice little meet-cute with another vehicle:

Two cars parked extremely close to each other, with barely any space between them. The scene suggests a highly tight parking situation
u/elad34 / Via reddit.com

11.The person who must have seriously wronged their welder:

Three images: Top shows a 60 cm x 25 cm blueprint. Bottom left and right images show an ill-fitted glass piece being measured, with a circled error in measurement
u/dhil_izza / Via reddit.com

12.The person with the stickiest car this side of the mighty Mississipp':

Two soda cans, one on its side and spilled onto the car's center console, with water bottles and a tote bag nearby on the backseat
u/nrf2 / Via reddit.com

13.The person who was about to give a bug the ride of a lifetime:

A green Sprite can with a straw. There is an insect crawling inside the straw. The can is on a desk with various items like a tissue box and electronic devices
u/franksilvyny / Via reddit.com

14.The person who just got a mouthful of goosh:

A hand holding a bitten apple with its core exposed and brown, rotten areas visible
u/noindependence8400 / Via reddit.com

15.The person who was sabotaged by a slug:

Close-up of a damaged computer motherboard with a burnt component and visible debris
u/harpharperharp / Via reddit.com

16.The person who was kind enough to give a little taste of their cupcake to their keyboard:

A hand holding a cupcake with frosting, in front of a keyboard with some spilled frosting on it
u/lukasnation / Via reddit.com

17.The person whose knee has a sweet new design:

The image shows a close-up of a person's skin with a visibly rough, dry patch on the knee that appears to be irritated or inflamed
u/senorlips / Via reddit.com

18.The person who learned a valuable lesson about drills and hair:

Hair tangled in a power drill lying on grass
u/addtional_cat_594 / Via reddit.com