BodyBugg: calorie counting automated

BodyBugg (weight loss arm band)
BodyBugg (weight loss arm band)

Our diet at Engadget HQ consists of a high concentration of coffee, cigarettes, and poached KFC gizzards effectively guaranteeing a svelte appearance in our artificial human skin zip-ups. But for those of you with a need to count those calories, we bring you the BodyBugg: a calorie management system (read: arm band and web interface) that measures calories burned against calories consumed. 'Cause the secret to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume, dig? The BodyBugg monitors 5 different data points (skin temp, motion, sweat, heat flux, near body temp) automatically tracking calories burned with "92% accuracy." You still have to maintain a food log since the device has no idea what you're stuffing down that pie hole of yours. But don't fret, the web interface integrates the data from the BodyBugg (which you upload to your PC — not Mac, yet) telling you exactly what your calorie deficit (or more likely, surplus) is at any given moment. Expect the device to sell for around $300. Is it us, or does that device look a little bulky and conspicuous to wear day and night until you've met your weight goals (which for most, is equivalent to an urn of ash)?

[Via c|net]