Dell Axim X51 and X51v get Bluetooth approval

Dell Axim
Dell Axim

Now mind you it ain't FCC approval and it sure as heck ain't your momma's approval, but the new Dell series of handhelds to follow up on the X50/X50v series just scored Bluetooth approval from the Bluetooth Qualification Program. It sounds like something one might have to take classes at the local community college to secure, but it's really just about approving a device to carry the ol' Bluetooth logo. Anywho, other than that there still aren't any hard facts about these handhelds, but speculation has it that the X51v will probably sport a 640 x 480 pixel screen, both it and the X51 will likely run Windows Mobile 5.0, and will start somewhere in the $500 base price range. But you know, we still gotta wait for the FCC and our mommas to weigh in for sure.

[Thanks, FSK1138]