Google Play apps are getting more unified logo designs

Say goodbye to the Play Music headphones logo.

The new logo and wordmark that Google unveiled last fall marked probably the biggest visual revamp in the company's history, and now Google Play's logos are getting a bit of a facelift. The logos for Google Play and the Play Store have been tweaked slightly, but the rest of the icons for Play stores and services (like movies / TV, music, books and games) all have been radically redesigned. Now, every icon has a silhouette of the "play" button as well as a visual indicator of the media type in question.

It looks like Google Play Music is getting the biggest change -- the headphones that have been closely tied to the service since it launched way back in 2011 are gone, replaced by a simple music note inside of the service's trademark orange color. While these new logos make it a little harder to see exactly which service is represented by each, the "play" badge in the background definitely ties the family of apps together. Google says you'll start seeing these new icons across various apps and on the web "in the coming weeks."