21 Of The Funniest Tweets About Married Life (Sept. 12-25)

Marriage is full of highs, lows and a whole bunch of ordinary moments in between.

Somehow married people on X, formerly known as Twitter, continue to find humor in the minutiae of married life. Every other week, we round up the funniest marriage tweets on the platform. Read on for 21 relatable ones that will have you laughing in agreement.

Me: Hey did you know……

Wife: I told you that two days ago, that’s how you know.

Me: makes sense

— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) September 15, 2023 ">

Husband, day 1 of owning a dog: It’s just a dog.

Husband, day 2 of owning a dog: We should give the dog a middle name.

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) September 22, 2023 ">

My husband told me we were out of BBQ sauce because he couldn’t find it so I went to the fridge & looked behind the milk & OMG it’s a miracle: we’re not out of BBQ sauce.

— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) September 21, 2023 ">

I’ve never watched a horror movie so I was just asking my wife about various ones and she couldn’t super remember — until I asked about Scream. She took a huge breath and said “Okay Neve Campbell’s wearing a jean jacket…” and now she’s been going for 30 minutes.

— Heather Hogan (@theheatherhogan) September 18, 2023 ">

All I want is to live in a house so big that I can’t hear my husband pooping.

— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) September 16, 2023 ">

*before marriage
her: watcha thinking?

*after marriage
her: wHaT wErE YoU ThInKInG?!

— 🌜🤷♂️Dad Moon Rising 🤷♂️🌛 (@raoulvilla) September 14, 2023 ">

Husband: I trust you not to eat my food while I go to the bathroom.

Me: That would be a mistake.

— sixfootcandy (@sixfootcandy) September 13, 2023 ">

Finished assembling an IKEA bookshelf!
I’m very excited for my wife to see it and reassemble it the right way

— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) September 15, 2023 ">

I need everybody to be really cool and not tell my husband that I lost my wallet today after just this morning lecturing him about how many times he loses his wallet.

— Eli McCann (@EliMcCann) September 13, 2023 ">

Working from home with your spouse is just each of you trying to look busy when the other one walks by while you’re screwing around.

— SpacedMom (@copymama) September 22, 2023 ">

I listed a record player for sale that I got for my husband years ago for Father’s Day. He has never once used it. Of course, now that I have someone coming to pick it up tomorrow, he decided he wanted to keep it. So I made him buy it off me. He just Venmoed me.

— Mediocre Mom (@MediocreMamaa) September 24, 2023 ">

Me: [getting into bed]

Wife: I can't get comfortable

Me: sorry. I'm also sorry I'm about to be asleep in under 3 minutes

Wife: I hate you

— Dadman Walking (@dadmann_walking) September 26, 2023 ">

My husband has been exposed to dangerous rhetoric. He keeps talking about us waking up at 5 AM to workout.

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) September 14, 2023 ">

Wife *from the kitchen*: I love you!!

Me *from the living room*: I Love you too!

Wife: That was for our dog, not you

— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) September 13, 2023 ">

My husband just gave a presentation at this dermatology conference and I didn't understand a damn word he said but it took everything in me not to stand up in the aisle and stage mom him like he was doing Jingle Bell Rock anyway.

— Eli McCann (@EliMcCann) September 16, 2023 ">

There should be a tv game show where couples have to scroll through every streaming service looking for something they both want to watch and if time runs out, they get divorced.

— Drew (some assembly required) (@dmc1138) September 15, 2023 ">

I just said “Very nice!” in a Borat voice and watched my husband fall in love with me all over again.

— sixfootcandy (@sixfootcandy) September 26, 2023 ">

*My kids were roleplaying my wife and I*

8yo *Being me*: Is this tweet funny? Can I post it?

5yo *Being my wife*: Can you please leave me alone for 5 minutes to drink my coffee?!

— My Life As Dad (@milifeasdad) September 18, 2023 ">

A game show where husbands are shown their wives’ shower products without labels and have to name them and describe their function.

— The Dad (@thedad) September 21, 2023 ">

me: I fought the law and the law won

wife: you got a speeding ticket, sent an angry email and had to spend four hours in Saturday traffic school, get over it

— 🌜🤷♂️Dad Moon Rising 🤷♂️🌛 (@raoulvilla) September 22, 2023 ">

My husband never says bless you when I sneeze like I’m the mother of his children and he doesn’t even care if evil spirits take over my soul or whatever it’s rude

— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) September 25, 2023 ">
