You Can't Convince Me We're Not Living In A Simulation After Seeing These 23 Photos Of Glitches In The Matrix

You Can't Convince Me We're Not Living In A Simulation After Seeing These 23 Photos Of Glitches In The Matrix

1.This table and chair that defied the laws of science:

Empty round table with brown chairs, backpacks on the floor and table, water bottle, face mask, and food containers
u/nder_score / Via

2.This ice that froze in a peculiar angle:

A can of wet cat food with the lid partially peeled open rests on a wooden outdoor table near potted succulents
u/dontbiteoften / Via

3.This cat using the TV as a portal:

A white cat with black spots stands on a black TV stand in front of a turned-off television, with remote controls and a cardboard box nearby
u/Limp_History4032 / Via

4.This confusing driveway design:

A garage with two white doors and a fresh concrete slab in front. The structure is set in a wooded area with a white fence around the property. No people are present
u/anonymous / Via

5.This pencil that somehow stood on its tip:

A pencil stands upright in the narrow gap between two tiles in a room with closed doors
u/Floridaants / Via

6.This draft of a juice carton:

u/OrdinarySoftwareDev / Via

7.This chessboard's floating shadow:

a floating shadow of a chessboard
u/tummy_trubble / Via

8.This mystery in the sky:

a stream of color in the sky

9.This incredibly flexible cat:

a cat that appears to be sitting right side up and laying upside down at the same time
u/DownTownDK / Via

10.This trippy sidewalk design pattern:

a trippy sidewalk design
u/PanicPotatoe / Via

11.This RV design featuring a bay window:

an RV with a bay window
u/rybe07 / Via

12.This leaf that somehow got in the middle of this fence:

a leaf on a fence
u/XLord_of_OperationsX / Via

13.This seemingly decapitated cat:

A cat with only its head visible appears to be stuck in a concrete surface near a doormat and a potted plant. A hose reel is in the background
u/ILoveMyHoneybear / Via

14.This pole that inexplicably ended up in the middle of this car:

a car on a pole
u/BitBix_ / Via

15.This sighting of two moons:

two moons in the sky
u/i127imnottakenhaha / Via

16.This tree that appeared to have a gap in the middle:

a tree with a tap
u/yosha / Via

17.This reflection in this building not matching with the cloudy day:

a clear sky on a building's reflection, but it's cloudy overhead
u/fluhuhuh / Via

18.This mountain's shadow disrupting the sunset:

a mountain shadow across the sky
u/omgitsmint / Via

19.This hovering cat:

A cat is playfully peeking around a door frame into a kitchen, with its body mostly hidden and only its head and part of its tail visible
u/Japanesepencilplant / Via

20.This headless subway passenger:

a person waiting for a train with no head
u/IveGotStockinOptions / Via

21.This floating cat illusion:

a cat that appears to be floating
u/princessMorris / Via

22.This two-sided bench that was joined at the wrong side:

a bench that looks like a bed
u/Personal-Trash-7456 / Via

23.And lastly, this shadow that went off script:

a shadow that doesn't match the cord
u/anonymous / Via

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